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Releases: Maiori44/Loves-path

Version b9.0.245

08 Jun 18:30
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Version b9.0.245 Pre-release

*Improved speed when changing music
*Fix shortcut in level 34
*Nerf start of level 36
*When changing to a map with a different tileset, change the texture rather than remaking everything
+On game load the tilemap of the next level is automatically cached
+Added cache info to debug mode
+Game info is no longer true on game load on debug mode
+If a tileset can't be found, default to forest.png
*Scale can no longer go below 0.4
+When in debug mode a yellow text saying "debug mode" will be displayed
*Fixed memory leak in image cache
*Updated level 35
+Enemies can now press the chapter 4 buttons
*Refactored the entire input handler
+Add level 37 and 38
+You can now move the map in the level editor
+Improved floor decoration of level 33 and 35
+Added coin in level 36 and 38
*Update the tilemap when the screen is resized
+Buffed minimans in level 40
+The mouse can now be used to select things in the menus
-Removed map info on debug mode
+Replaced map info with button info on debug mode
+Added new debug console
-Removed debug menu
+Increase max amount of sounds to 40
+When going back a menu the pointer stays in the previous selected menu
+Added swap maps button in the level editor menu
*Fixed DiscordRPC crashing if the dll is not present
*Fixed cache crashing in the new versions of love apparently
*Many little code changes and fixed
*Fixed easy coin route in level 38
*Switched level 38 and 35 (changelogs refers to them before the switch)
*Reworked and improved savefile security
-Removed rainbow konami code easter egg
-Removed pressing space to spawn a particle
+Added assist mode to make the game easier for who needs it
+Added placeholder level 39
*Fixed cutscenes preventing the "unlocked music" text from appearing

Version b8.0.202

19 Jun 07:49
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Version b8.0.202 Pre-release

+Added discord RPC
*Fixed restart button doing nothing
*Fixed snowballs not rotating horizontally
*Fixed weird map spin in level 13
*Fixed rotated bridges not updating immediately when cracked
*Fixed map names' casing (only noticeable with discord RPC)
*Renamed game to Love's Path (was previously known as both Love's Path and Love's path)
*Small fixes to the sound test credits
*Fixed light not updating to the player's last position when dying in chapter 4/when superdark is on
*Fixed map scrolling not working properly when the map is rotated
-"mind.ogg" can no longer be selected from the level editor (unless debug mode is enabled)
*Made chapter 3 a little harder (shortened timers)
+Added levels 34, 35 and 36 (will later be level 40)
+Added 1 more coin
*Fixed softlock in level 14
*Fixed player using map's border as a wall in level 12
*Fixed level editor re calculating frametime
+Added cutscene handler (all cutscenes are placeholders for now)
*Extras are now stored differently
+Added Theater
*Fixed bridge particles crashing the game if the bridge is at the lower edge of the map
*The coin hud will not show up if the mod has no coins
*Minimans will now always start firing as soon as the player is aligned
*Made level 35 easier as the new miniman's behavior increased difficulty a lot
*The "sound file not sound" error messag is now displayed in red like all the other errors
*The camera will only move back to the player once it's stopped being moved
-Removed Free Camera debug option

Version b7.1.182

05 May 17:28
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Version b7.1.182 Pre-release

*Chapter 1 is a little easier now
+You can set the particles setting to "none", "few", "most" or "all" (default is "all")
*Fixed snowballs not rolling when going up or down
*Changed mo.lastaxis to a bool type
+Added Wobble mode
+The game will now show an error message instead of crashing if it fails to open the data files
*Fixed environment particles not being removed when not needed
+Data is now saved while the game is being played, not all at once
*Data is now not saved when an already completed level is recompleted
*Fixed snowball not passing trough shadow coins
*Fixed map rendering issues
*Fixed possible exploit in level 30
+Added maybe final bonus level

Version b7.0.176

06 Apr 19:31
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Version b7.0.176 Pre-release

*Fixed player not dying when colliding with a miniman
*Fixed main menu background appearing in the level editor
+Added level 33 and 34
+Added 1 more coin
-Removed extra snowman and snowball in level 19
+Bridges now rotate when going up/down
*Updated all levels' bridges
+Added rotatebridges tileset flag
+Exposed table and math tables to custom.lua
*Replaced vanilla tileset flag with custom
+Coins in the level select become bright to be easier to see them
*Fix metal boxes being able to destroy themselves
*Level 32 is now slightly easier
+Added SuperDark mode
+Added special effect when dying with dark/superdark mode
*Improved settings handling
+Unlocking the bonus levels now shows a message box
*Small changes to level 19
*Fixed cracked bridge sprite in factory.png
*Text now has borders to make it more readable
*Fixed previous menu being still drawn when not needed
*Addded Ciaccy in the credits
*Improved tilemap drawing speed
*Fixed background
+Added shadow/ghost coins
*Fixed Lovely Bonus not being removed when the data is erased

Version b6.0.158

22 Feb 16:08
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Version b6.0.158 Pre-release

*Reworked glitch shader and made it much more glitchy
+Added 4 more levels
+Added 1 bonus level
+Added 2 more coins
+Finished chapter 3 and started chapter 4
*Fixed bugs in "love is you" bonus level
*Reordered the bonus levels (from easiest to harder)
+Added custom key sprites for each chapter and added keysprite tileset flag to use them
*Small optimization: some functions that were created every time they were needed are now created once at load time
+Object to object collisions now support standalone booleans
+SearchObject will now not return a mo if it's the same as [notmo]
+Added free camera debug option
*Generally improved all sprites
*Added button.wav and button_off.wav
-Removed negative tileset flag alongside the negative shader
+Added background in the main menu
-The game window now can't be smaller than 800x600

Version b5.1.147

31 Jan 10:26
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Version b5.1.147 Pre-release

*Reworked version numbering
+Added protagonist name handler
+The game will now abort loading a mod if the mod folder was not found
+Added custom sounds
*Replaced coin.wav with improved one
+Added sounds when navigating the menu
*Small changes for the renderer code
*Improved castle 2.ogg
+Added 4th bonus level
*Fixed bonus levels' tileset
*Fixed negative key objects/frames
-Sound Test entries for chapter 4 are no longer unlockable when reaching level 25

Version b5.0.137

01 Jan 20:51
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Version b5.0.137 Pre-release

*Added "nearest" filter for graphics to fix grid effect and blurriness
+Normal enemies are now easier to predict and dodge
*Completely fixed objects of the previous level affecting the current level
+Added level 26 and 27
+Added a coin in level 26
*The scale now doesn't change when restarting a level
*Optimized menu code
-Thunders in chapter 3 are no longer random
*Timers in chapter 3 are less strict
*Optimized the way objects are stored and handled with ffi
*Changed a bunch of stuff for the new objects (hopefully documentation was fully updated as well)
-Removed GetImage in custom.lua
+Added GetString in custom.lua
*Improved tilesets
+Added frame quadtype
+The game now saves when collecting a coin
*Fixed the snowball not breaking when hitting a lock tile
+Exposed function PusherCheck
+Added a bonus level
*When completing a bonus level the "bonus level complete!" menu's pointer is now set back to 1
+Added controller support
*Reworked credits

Version b4.0.121

07 Dec 09:45
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Version b4.0.121 Pre-release

*Improved existing music
+Added more music
+Added level 25 and 26
+Added 2 coins
*Fixed bonus level 1 breaking with nested loops
*Fixed level 17
*Swapped level 24 and 23
*Fixed names in level 17 and 24
*The level select should now only show maps with completely valid names
*The tileset flag bridgeshardcolor breaking when missing
*Improved sprites
*Fixed an UTF-8 related bug
-Space does no longer select an option in the menus
+Added buffer inputs: player movement can be done 5 frames before the player hits the wall
*Level 23's timer now lasts 45 seconds (lasted 60)
*The notifications now last twice as long
*Reworked dark tileset flag
+Added negative tileset flag
*Fixed bug where moving spikes would start the wrong way when a level is cleared
*Fixed way too long to explain bug about movement
*You can no longer resize the window to make it too small (previously just recreated the window instead)
*Reworked credits (temporary)
*Fixed level 6's switches
*Now objects will call collision to check where they are standing
*Fixed boxes for the new collisions
*ThrustObject will now fail if the object is going to collide with an object if the momentum is applied
*Fixed level 8 for new collisions

Version b3.0.103

14 Nov 11:36
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Version b3.0.103 Pre-release

+Pressing esc in any mennu will make it return back to the previous menu
*Reworked order of elements in menus
*The coin hud in the level select should go at the same speed for everyone now
+Images and quads are now cached to hopefully speed up the game
+Added thunder tileset flag
+Added level 22, 23
+Added 1 new coin
*Setting a map height/width to 0 will now set it back to 10 (to avoid crash)
*Small update to bridge particles
*Improvments to the particles handler
+Added rain particles and tileset flag
+You can now resize the screen
*Fixed the timer crashing the game if the player is already dead when it reaches 0
*Tileset flags will crash if they are of the wrong type
+Added wavy effect to some text
+Added fast animation when switching menu
*Major change to update loop, the game will now stay at 60 fps always, not only ingame
*The extras menu's 3rd option now says "bonus levels"
+The extras menu now displays the collected coins
*The music setting in the level editor now works the same way as the tileset one
+Added first bonus level
+Added playersprite tileset flag

From this version onwards I will use 7zip's installer to release the game, since opening the game insize the .zip shouldn't work either way

Version b2.0.90

27 Oct 14:26
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Version b2.0.90 Pre-release

+Pressing back in a menu will set the pointer to that menu's position in the new menu
*Fixed small issues
*Improved menus and settings
+Added chapter 3's gimmicks
+Added level 21
+Added nativefs library (more info on license.txt)
+Added button in level editor menu to automatically create a mod's directories
+F8 now saves a screenshot
+Some events now will cause a small notification to appear on the top left of the screen
*Changed level 18 once again
*The FPS counter will not go past 60
+Added hp for objects and DamageObject function
-SpawnObject doesn't have [flags] parameter anymore, replaced by [hp]
*the print function in custom.lua now actually prints to the console
+added SetMessageBox and SetNotification to custom.lua
*in the level editor you now don't have to type the name of the tileset
*fixed AddCustomTileset not setting tileset flags