This is a personal portfolio website built using React. The project showcases various sections including Home, About, Skills, Projects, Education, and Contact. It also features a responsive design, smooth scrolling, and interactive elements like a back-to-top button.
- Responsive Design: Adaptable layout for different screen sizes.
- Smooth Scrolling: Easy navigation between sections.
- Back-to-Top Button: Quickly return to the top of the page.
- Dynamic Content: React components for various sections.
- Interactive Icons: FontAwesome icons for social media links and other elements.
- React: JavaScript library for building user interfaces.
- FontAwesome: Icon library for adding icons.
- CSS: Styling for the components.
- HTML: Structure of the web pages.
To get started with this project, follow these steps:
Clone the Repository:
git clone
Navigate to the Project Directory:
cd portfolio-react
Install Dependencies:
npm install
Run the Project:
npm start
This will start the development server and open the application in your default web browser.
- public/: Contains static assets like images and the index.html file.
- src/: Contains React components, CSS files, and other JavaScript files.
- components/: React components for different sections of the portfolio.
- App.js: Main application component that includes all sections.
- App.css: Global styles for the application.
- package.json: Contains project metadata and dependencies.
- Home Section: Introduction and personal greeting.
- About Section: Information about the person and their background.
- Skills Section: List of technical skills with progress bars.
- Projects Section: Showcase of various projects.
- Education Section: Details of educational background.
- Contact Section: Contact form and social media links.