using this library we implement event listeners to our html elements.
<script src="https://code.jquery.com/jquery-3.4.1.slim.min.js" integrity="sha256-pasqAKBDmFT4eHoN2ndd6lN370kFiGUFyTiUHWhU7k8=" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
snapsvg.js is a javascript library to draw svg elements to webpages. It is located in lib folder.grapheditor |-->lib |-->snap.svg-min.js
we will use this library to draw our drawings.
<script src="lib/snap.svg-min.js"></script>
here we will have our system logic.
grapheditor |-->js |-->main.js
our main.js file has onload() function (https://www.w3schools.com/jsref/event_onload.asp)
which is called by the browser when our whole document is loaded!.where we have firstly initialized snapsvg object.
var s = Snap("#svg");
we will use s object to draw elements to html. And #svg is the
elemnt(Drawing area) where we will draw the shapes.Here the drawing area is a svg image with width and height 1200 and 700 respectively.
<svg id='svg' class='img-responsive' viewBox="0 0 1200 700"> </svg>
In index.html file we have four buttons:
<button id="addEntityBtn"> Add Enity</button>
<button id="addProcessBtn"> Add Process</button>
<button id="addDataStoreBtn"> Add Data Store</button>
<button id="addArrowBtn"> Add Arrow</button>
- when the buttons are clicked, click event are raised ,which are captured by jqurey functions using their ids.
// This function is called when add entity is clicked
$("#addEntityBtn").click(function() {
// This function is called when add process is clicked
$("#addProcessBtn").click(function() {
// This function is called when add data store is clicked
$("#addDataStoreBtn").click(function() {
// This function is called when add arrow is clicked
$("#addArrowBtn").click(function() {
Each of this function calls another function createEntity(label) to create a svg element.
$("#addEntityBtn").click(function() { let entity1 = createEntity("1st") entity1.drag(move, start, stop); }); // Create Entity Diagram function createEntity(label) { let entity = s.rect(100, 100, 100, 100), entitylable = s.text(100+20,100+50) entity.attr({ fill: "#bada55", stroke: "#000", strokeWidth: 5, }); entitylable.attr({ 'font-size':20, text:"Entity" }); return s.g(entity,entitylable) }
s.rect(x,y,width, height) is used to draw a rectangle to the #svg element.
element.attrb({ key:value }) is used to set style to the drawn element.
s.g(enity1,lable) is used to group two elements together , now they will behave as same element.
s.circle(x,y,width,height) to draw circle.
s.text(x,y) to draw text.
s.line(x1,y1, x2,y2) to draw a line segement.
s.polyline(x1,y1, x2,y2, x3,y3 ,....) to draw continuous lines.
To add dragging capability to our shapes we will use
Element.drag(onmove, onstart, onend) function- onmove is a function called when the element is moved!
- onstart is called when the dragging starts.
- onend is called when dragging is finished.
In our code we have :
var move = function (dx, dy) { this.attr({ transform: this.data('origTransform') + (this.data('origTransform') ? "T" : "t") + [dx, dy] }); } var start = function () { this.data('origTransform', this.transform().local); } var stop = function () { console.log('finished dragging'); }
which we have passed to:
// For entity entity1.drag(move, start, stop);
Same way we have added this functionality each shape.
$("#addEntityBtn").click(function() { let entity1 = createEntity("1st") entity1.drag(move, start, stop); }); $("#addProcessBtn").click(function() { let proces1 = createProcess("1st") proces1.drag(move, start, stop); }); $("#addDataStoreBtn").click(function() { let dataStore1 = createDataStore("1st") dataStore1.drag(move, start, stop); }); $("#addArrowBtn").click(function() { let arrow1 =createArrow("1st") arrow1.drag(move, start, stop); });
Now our shapes is draggable!