Arduino comms library for Balboa Spas
Monitor and contro your Wifi connected Balboa Spa.
You can monitor and change most 'day-to-day' settings. Notably absent right now:
- WiFi setup. Best still done with the Balboa App.
- Filter cycle times.
Cross platform networking is a bit of a mess for Arduino, so there are three different examples that differ by how the network is declared and initialized.
- Mega_2560: Assumes a Wiznet style shield or add-on board, controlled over SPI
- Wemos D1 R1: ESP8266 based board in an Uno form factor.
- Wemos D1 R32: ESP32 based board in an Uno form factor.
If your project isn't covered by these examples, then you would need to:
- Get basic netowrking up and running. Need both UDP and TCP.
- Change BalBoaSpa.cpp to add a new section that defines the networking classes.
- Send the changes to me or create a pull request to get them into the project.