This is a project that manages your daily tasks and gives you access to how much time have you used and how many time have you spent on them. It also provides a chart where you can visually track the progress of the last week.
Dependency title | Version |
next | 14.0.4 |
react | 18 |
eslint | 8 |
prettier | 3.2.4 |
typescript | 5 |
mui/material | 5.15.4 |
Install dependencies :
npm run install
Run the dev server :
npm run dev
Get a list of files that need formatting :
npm run format
Format all the files that needed formatting :
npm run format:fix
Run the unit tests :
npm run format:fix
| Directory | Content
| ------------- | -------------
| components | Components that are used in parent compoentns
| helpers | Functions that are used across different files
| pages | Components that act as the pages in the application
| styles | Global styles, mixins, themes are places here
| tests | Unit tests for components
In this application the functionalities that the user can do are the following :
- Create a task.
- Update the description and duration of the task.
- Delete a task.
- Reorder the list of tasks by description, duration or status.
- Start, pause, resume and finish the timer for a given task.
- See a list of finished tasks.
- Check a graphic of the finished tasks in the last week.
- Filter the set of tasks by their duration (Short, Medium, and High).
- Support dark mode based on the user's OS settings.
- The responsiveness is preserved across devices.
I used the project to keep track of the tasks and worked in branches.
When I started working on the idea of how I would love to see the project in real life I used the Freeform to create a basic skeleton mockup so I can stablish the visual idea that I wanted to focus. This is how it looked in the begining.
To learn more about Next.js, take a look at the following resources:
- Next.js Documentation - learn about Next.js features and API.
- Learn Next.js - an interactive Next.js tutorial.
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The easiest way to deploy your Next.js app is to use the Vercel Platform from the creators of Next.js.
Check out our Next.js deployment documentation for more details.