This project is a complete refactor of the original DijkstraBlueprint repository, updated to follow industry-standard coding practices and optimization.
✅ Dijkstra_blueprint contains the latest version of the blueprint only implementation.
✅ Dijkstra_C++ contains the latest version of the C++ / Blueprint implementation.
You can also find a zipped up version of either project in the release section.
🚧 TODO: add speed comparison between blueprint and c++ versions
Responsible for managing the hexagonal grid system.
Random Grid Generation: Creates a random hex grid based on given dimensions.
Goal Assignment: Randomly sets a goal within the grid for pathfinding.
Path-finding implementation based on Dijkstra.
Primarily serves as the visual representation of hexagons in the grid. All logic and data are decoupled from this class and loaded from data assets, allowing for easy customization.
The base class for all future data assets. It contains a single function that returns all soft references that need to be loaded. This function is intended to be overridden by child classes if needed.
Inherits from PDA_Base. It defines the hexagon's mesh, materials, and travel cost. It overrides the GetSoftReferences function to return all necessary soft references for asset initialization.