│ docs
│ │ # literature review, project proposal, project report, etc.
| codes
| | extract
| | | # extracting info from music
| | process
| | | # processing info
| | generate
| | | # generating image
| | style_transfer
| | | # transfering style
| | data
| | | # data used in the project and output
| | main.ipynb
| | | # ipynb for testing the pipeline
| demo
| | docker
| | | # docker files
| | generateAPI.py
| | generateUI.py
| | demo.py
| | | # demo code
| requirements.txt
| environment.sh
bash environment.sh
To run the demo
python demo/generateAPI.py
python demo/generateUI.py
in two terminals, then open the browser and visit http://localhost:7860/ to see the demo
If you don't want to build a docker, you can change IngressHost
and NameSpace
in project_lyy.yaml
into yours and use the docker we already built by running the following command.
cd demo/docker/MI-T_helm_template
make our
make connect
Before building the docker, please download pretrained model from https://download.pytorch.org/models/vgg19-dcbb9e9d.pth and put it in demo/docker/MI-T_API_docker/
Build the docker:
docker login harbor.ai.iiis.co:9443
cd demo/docker/MI-T_API_docker
make docker USER=your_docker_username
make push USER=your_docker_username
cd demo/docker/MI-T_UI_docker
make docker USER=your_docker_username
make push USER=your_docker_username
You can remove local images after pushing.
make remove USER=your_docker_username
We already build the image for you. In codes/demo/docker/MI-T_helm_template/project.yaml
, change your namespace to your own namespace, ContainerImage
to your api image, GradioImage
to your ui image, IngressHost
to your own host.
To run the docker
cd demo/docker/MI-T_helm_template
make podup
make connect
Then you can open the browser and visit https://llmlab.ddns.net:9443 (Your ddns) to see the demo.
make poddown
remove the pod after you finish.
Two parts, from lyrics and from music. Qwen does both jobs well.
Input : music
Output : prompt
Throwing everything to GPT/GLM.
Input : prompt
Output : prompt
Generate image using the prompt.
Input : prompt/dictionary
Output : image
Transfer the style of the image. Make it more like an illustration or a cover.