Main page + page with a list of authors + author`s page (only pages with content without widgets - 10/10
Page with team members + page with worklog' - 10/10
Page with list of authors contains search widget', 10/10
description: 'Portal has two languages', 20/20
Portal has page with styleguide', - 20/20
Mobile version is okey - 10/10
Ipad/tablet version is okey - 10/10
Authors page contains timeline - 10/10
Authors page contains video overlay - 10/10
Authors page contains photo gallery - 20/20
Authors page contains map (geowidget) - 10/10
Design (typography, icons, colors, links + buttons + input are styled - 20/20
Material-ui / bootstrap is used - 20/20
Portal has third language', 10/10
Confidence of the project presentation', 10/10
Project is made using gatsbyjs', 0/10
Contentful or netlify cms is used for content management', - 0/10
Animations or special effects like paralax', 0/20
Outstanding design', - 15/20
Storybook or styleguidist or other react styleguide tool usage for the page with styles', 0/20
Alexandr Lyssenko
Basic project structure 4 hours
Redux and basic actions implement 6 hours
Portal navigation via routing 5 hours
Implement material design for header and directors 5 hours
Worklog page design 5 hours
Alexey Kostsevich
Page with a list of authors on the given topic with search widget 15 hours
Table with hours and time for implementing functionality 0,4 hours
Create the basic structure of the project 0.5 hours
Aleksandr Serikov
Create navigation and menu of language 4 hours
Fix menu of language 0.5 hours
Stanislav Iosifov
Creating director page(works, biography, photo, video, map) 15 hours
Creating team page. 4 hours
Code refactor 2 hours
Adding and changing styles 4 hours
Siarhei Karukhin
Create Skype and Telegram groups, organization of the first call 1 hours
Create worklog page 5 hours
Start to do page with a list of directors (not implemented) 2 hours
Create slider for the main page (not implemented) 2 hours
Create style page 1 hours
Vitali Himzheuski
Collection of information about Directors, translation into three languages 4 hours
Create data.json and put there information about Directors 2 hours
The main page (title, description, director of the day) 3 hours
Translate menu 0.25 hours