Open RStudio
Load the project
data.folder <- system.file("data", package = "scPipe", mustWork = TRUE)
# original read files
r1 <- file.path(data.folder,"testfastq_S1_L001_R1_001.fastq.gz")
r2 <- file.path(data.folder,"testfastq_S1_L001_R3_001.fastq.gz")
# read files with barcode starting from 1st position
r1_barcode <- file.path(data.folder,"testfastq_S1_L001_R1_001_withbarcode.fastq.gz")
r2_barcode <- file.path(data.folder,"testfastq_S1_L001_R3_001_withbarcode.fastq.gz")
# barcodes in fastq format
barcode_fastq <- file.path(data.folder, "testfastq_S1_L001_R2_001.fastq.gz")
# barcodes in .csv format
barcode_csv_sample <- file.path(data.folder,"barcode.csv")
barcode_csv <- file.path(data.folder, "testfastq_modified_barcode.csv")
barcode_csv_small <- file.path(data.folder, "testfastq_modified_barcode_small.csv")
barcode_csv_incorr <- file.path(data.folder, "testfastq_modified_barcode_corrupt.csv")
output_folder <- NULL
sc_atac_trim_barcode (r1 = r1,
r2 = r2,
bc_file = barcode_fastq,
output_folder = output_folder)
program expects the barcode to be on the second column of the .csv file
sc_atac_trim_barcode(r1 = r1_barcode,
r2 = r2_barcode,
bc_file = barcode_csv_small,
bc_start = 3, bc_length = 16,
output_folder = output_folder,
rmN = FALSE)
reference <- file.path(data.folder, "genome.fa")
demux_r1 <- file.path(output_folder, "demux_testfastq_S1_L001_R1_001.fastq.gz")
demux_r2 <- file.path(output_folder, "demux_testfastq_S1_L001_R3_001.fastq.gz")
sc_atac_aligning(ref = reference,
R1 = demux_r1,
R2 = demux_r2,
output_folder = output_folder,
nthreads = 6)
bam_to_tag <- file.path(output_folder, "demux_testfastq_S1_L001_R1_001_aligned.bam")
sc_atac_bam_tagging (inbam = bam_to_tag,
output_folder = output_folder,
bam_tags = list(bc="CB", mb="OX"),
nthreads = 6)
sorted_tagged_bam <- file.path(output_folder, "demux_testfastq_S1_L001_R1_001_aligned_tagged_sorted.bam")
sc_atac_remove_duplicates(inbam = sorted_tagged_bam,
samtools_path = NULL, # can specify custom path here
output_folder = output_folder)
sorted_tagged_bam <- file.path(output_folder, "demux_testfastq_S1_L001_R1_001_aligned_tagged_sorted_markdup.bam")
sc_atac_create_fragments(inbam = sorted_tagged_bam,
output_folder = output_folder)
sc_atac_peak_calling(inbam = sorted_tagged_bam,
ref = reference,
genome_size = NULL,
output_folder = output_folder)
sorted_tagged_bam <- file.path(output_folder, "demux_testfastq_S1_L001_R1_001_aligned_tagged_sorted.bam")
features <- file.path(data.folder, "extdata", "NA_peaks.narrowPeak")
sc_atac_feature_counting (insortedbam = sorted_tagged_bam,
feature_input = features,
bam_tags = list(bc="CB", mb="OX"),
feature_type = "peak",
organism = "hg38",
cell_calling = "filter",
genome_size = NULL,
bin_size = NULL,
yieldsize = 1000000,
mapq = 30,
exclude_regions = TRUE,
output_folder = output_folder,
fix_chr = "none"
sce <- sc_atac_create_sce(input_folder = output_folder,
organism = "hg38",
feature_type = "peak",
pheno_data = NULL,
report = TRUE