MP3 file farming software using automated linux terminal commands.
- Enter any song followed by the name of the artist (on the same line) into the 'Songs' file - make sure there song video isn't 18+ restricted on YT otherwise it won't load
- (I have entered some into the file for an outline on how it should be formatted)
- The program will give you an average amount of time to leave your PC AFK for
- After all the recordings have been made and the AFK time is over, you will be required to enter 'y' to every python console output saying a file is going to be overwritten
- Finally, you can get rid of any remaining .mp4 files left in the directory - inside the 'MPTHREE' directory is all the .mp3 files
- You will be required to install ytdlp, ffmpeg and youtubesearchpython
- All of this can be done using the following commands:
pip install ytdlp
sudo apt install ffmpeg
pip install youtubesearchpython