Classification of Covid-19 Tweets using Multinomial Naive Bayes and TF-IDF Vectorizer to categorize tweets into three main classes: "Vaccine" (Vaksin), "Prevention and treatment of covid-19" (Pencegahan dan pengobatan), and "Current development of covid-19 in Indonesia" (Perkembangan covid di Indonesia).
This project is a major assignment project for the first semester of the natural language processing course. The objective of this task is to crawl data related to COVID-19 on the Twitter platform with a minimum amount of data per class of 100, then classify the text based on the data obtained in these 3 classes.
The 3 classes used in this project are:
- "Vaccine" (Vaksin),
- "Prevention and treatment of covid-19" (Pencegahan dan pengobatan), and
- "Current development of covid-19 in Indonesia" (Perkembangan covid di Indonesia)
In this project, we use Multinomial Naive Bayes algorithm to perform text classification and TF-IDF Vectorizer as Word Embedding (to convert text data into vectors).
Covid-19 is a global virus pandemic affecting people worldwide. The virus spreads quickly through droplets from infected individuals. The Covid-19 pandemic has significantly affected societal life. Discussions range from health protocols and symptoms to daily reports of cases and vaccine development. Social and economic consequences are also widely discussed.
Twitter, a major social media platform, is a prominent space for discussions. Users share information through tweets, contributing to a vast array of discussions on COVID-19, like health protocols, symptoms, daily case reports, vaccine development, and socio-economic impacts. Due to the large volume of discussions on Twitter, a classification system is essential. This system helps analyze and understand the prevalent topics related to the Covid-19 pandemic.
- Python
- Pandas
- Matplotlib
- Seaborn
- Scikit-learn
- Sastrawi
- Tweepy
The dataset used in this project comprises tweet data acquired from the Twitter platform using the Tweepy library. The data was collected based on the following keywords:
- "Vaccine" (Vaksin),
- "vaksin astrazeneca"
- "vaksin sinovac"
- "vaksin sinopharm"
- "Prevention and treatment of covid-19" (Pencegahan dan pengobatan), and
- "pencegahan covid-19"
- "pengobatan covid-19"
- "pencegahan corona"
- "pengobatan corona"
- "Current development of covid-19 in Indonesia" (Perkembangan covid di Indonesia)
- "perkembangan covid-19"
- "covid-19 di Indonesia"
- "covid-19 berkembang"
- "Vaccine" (Vaksin),
The quantity of collected data is:
- "Vaccine": 115 Tweets
- "Prevention and treatment of covid-19": 155 Tweets
- "Current development of covid-19 in Indonesia": 147 Tweets
- Total: 417 tweets
Data distribution:
The data preprocessing steps applied to the data include:
- Remove hashtag, @user, and hyperlink from the tweet
- Stopword removal using Sastrawi library
- Train the TF-IDF Vectorizer model
- The data is split into training data and testing data with a ratio of 0.2, signifying 80% for training data and 20% for testing data. The random_state variable is set to 0.
- The model is trained using the Multinomial Naive Bayes algorithm
- The trained model is saved to: models/MNB_model.sav
Confusion Matrix:
Classification Report
Precision Recall F1-Score Support Pencegahan atau Pengobatan 0.90 0.93 0.91 28 Perkembangan COVID-19 0.97 0.90 0.93 31 Vaccine 0.92 0.96 0.94 25 Accuracy 0.93 84 Macro Avg 0.93 0.93 0.93 84 Weighted Avg 0.93 0.93 0.93 84 -
Accuracy Score:
- 0.9285714285714286 (92.86%)
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details