Welcome to BNETcc a Darkstar Project emulated FFXI Private Server.
Discord or the Forums are the best ways to get a hold of staff to get fast help.
Forums: http://bnet.cc/
Discord: https://discord.gg/0xMpv9juTQeT56sy
Our server FAQ with various information and setup guide can be found here: http://bnet.cc/threads/ultimate-f-a-q.1147/
forums and IRC to keep in touch with the latest developments.
Forums: https://forums.dspt.info/index.php
Discord: https://discord.gg/4dgAzfC
You can find the tracker here: https://github.com/DarkstarProject/darkstar/issues Bug reports should include steps to reproduce the bug.
Commits should contain a descriptive name for what you are modifying
Remember to check back for any feedback, and drop a comment once requested changes have been made (if there are any).
Use 4 spaces per tab - this will be enforced in pull requests.
Please test your code before committing changes/submitting a pull request. You break it you fix it!