Tags: LightAndLight/ipso
build: fix post build hook (#425) If you look past all those backslashes, the post build hook is adding the command `OUT_PATHS=$OUT_PATHS /run/uploadToCache` to the queue (where `$OUT_PATHS` has been substituted for the actual value). This only works when `$OUT_PATHS` contains no spaces. As an example, running `pueue add -- VAR="hello world" printenv VAR` adds the command `VAR=hello world printenv VAR` to the queue, which is not what we want. The queue tries to run a command called `world` with arguments `printenv` and `VAR`. The problem is that the quotes around the variable aren't carried onto the queue. We need to run `pueue add -- VAR=\"hello world\" printenv VAR` so that the queue executes `VAR="hello world" printenv VAR`.