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Studies project called "Creating elements of a game". There was three task to do.

Tasks and files

  • Add new group of monsters
    • Scorpion.cs
    • ScorpionEmperor.cs
    • ScorpionGiant.cs
    • ScorpionEmperorFactory.cs
    • ScorpionFactory.cs
  • Add new group of items
    • CrystalArmor.cs
    • GoldenDragonArmor.cs
    • Thanos'sGlow.cs
    • RefinedArmorFactory.cs
  • Add new group of skills
    • BerserkerRage.cs
    • BerserkerRageDecorator.cs
    • FrighteningPitting.cs
    • FrighteningPittingDecorator.cs
    • TwistPierce.cs
    • TwistPierceDecorator.cs
    • RefinedMovementsFactory.cs
  • Add new group of interactions
    • Authority.cs
    • Logger.cs
    • Principal.cs
    • University.cs
    • CommisionsBoard.cs
    • AuthorityFactory.cs
    • LoggerFactory.cs
    • UniversityFactory.cs
    • CommisionsBoardFactory.cs
    • Trophy.cs
    • EvolvedRatTrophy.cs
    • RatTrophy.cs
    • ScorpionEmperorTrophy.cs
    • ScorpionGiantTrophy.cs
    • ScorpionTrophy.cs
    • TrophyFactory.cs
    • Some editions in existing files


New group of monsters

I've created three monsters Scorpion (the most basic one), Scorpion Giant which one acts as a guard for Scorpion Emperor. When You beat a guard then emperor will show up. The difficulty of them goes Scorpion < Scorpion Guard < Scorpion Emperor. Their statistics are:

  • Scorpion Scorpion

    • Health: 20 + 10 * player level
    • Strength: 15 + 2 * player level
    • Armor: 50
    • Precision: 50 + 2 * player level
    • MagicPower: 0
    • Stamina: 5 + 10 * player level
    • XPValue: 50 + player level
    • BattleGreetings: "Ghhhzzz!"
    • Attack damage:
      • type: incisied
      • hp: 10
      • strength: (5 * Strength + XP) / 10
      • armor: ((2 * Strength + 5 * Precision + XP * 5) * Stamina / 50) / 10
      • precision: Precision * XP / 10000
      • magic: 0
  • Scorpion Giant ScorpionGiant

    • Health: 30 + 10 * player level
    • Strength: 15 + 2 * player level
    • Armor: 80
    • Precision: 70 + 2 * player level
    • MagicPower: 0
    • Stamina: 5 + 10 * player level
    • XPValue: 60 + player level
    • BattleGreetings: "You will die before crossing this doorstep!"
    • Attack damage:
      • type: incisied
      • hp: 10
      • strength: (5 * Strength + XP) / 10
      • armor: ((2 * Strength + 5 * Precision + XP * 5) * Stamina / 50) / 10
      • precision: Precision * XP / 10000
      • magic: 0
  • Scorpion Emperor ScorpionEmperor

    • Health: 40 + 10 * player level
    • Strength: 15 + 2 * player level
    • Armor: 60
    • Precision: 100 + 2 * player level
    • MagicPower: 0
    • Stamina: 5 + 10 * player level
    • XP: 100 + player level
    • BattleGreetings: "How it is possible that You killed my guard!"
    • Attack damage:
      • type: incisied
      • hp: 10
      • strength: (5 * Strength + XP) / 10
      • armor: ((2 * Strength + 5 * Precision + XP * 5) * Stamina / 50) / 10
      • precision: Precision * XP / 10000
      • magic: 0
  • Every monster have its own facbric class.

New group of items

I've created three items:

  • Crystal ArmorCrystalArmor - the most complicated one. Gives player 5% to player's biggest statistic everytime player receive a hit from monster which main statistic will be different
  • Golden Dragon ArmorGoldenDragonArmor - as much hp damage player receive as much damage spread for every statistic player will cause in next turn
  • Thanos's GlowThanos'sGlow - doubles strength and reduces stamina to 70%
  • All the foregoings items have one fabric class.

New group of skills

I've created three skills:

  • Berserker Rage - a chance equal to half of player's strength stat to land 0.5Str Hp, 0.25Str Precision damage. Type of damage is called "incised" and skill requires Axe.
  • Frightening Pitting - a chance to land multiplayed by 0 to 10 sum of precision and strength divided by 50 for HP and 20 for armor. Type of damage is called "cut" and skill requires Spear.
  • Twist Pierce - a chance 100/225 of precision stat to land (0.25Str + extra 20 points if player have more strength than 100) HP and 0.25PR Armor damage. Type of damage is called "incised" and skill requires Sword.
  • For all skills I've make different decorators - it makes possibility to create combo of skills of the same type. The foregoing represents one of possible types in whole game.
  • All of the foregoings and theirs decorators have one fabric class.

New group of interactions

I've created some interactions:

  • CommisionsBoard.csCommisionsBoard - here player can get commision and start earning gold.

  • Authority.csAuthority - person who get's commisions for killing monsters and give gold for it.

  • Logger.csLogger - when player have commision for wood logging, here he can work and get the gold.

  • University.csUniversity - here player can learn new available skills for only 50 gold!

  • Trophies - needed for commisions to kill monsters as evidence for authority.

    • RatTrophy.csRatTrophy
    • EvolvedRatTrophy.csEvolvedRatTrophy
    • ScorpionTrophy.csScorpionTrophy
    • ScorpionGiantTrophy.csScorpionGiantTrophy
    • ScorpionEmperorTrophy.csScorpionEmperorTrophy
  • Abstract classes:

    • Principal.cs
    • Trophy.cs
  • Factories for every created interaction and item.


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