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This helm chart installs Midaz, a high-performance and open-source ledger.

The default installation is similar to the one provided in the Midaz repo.


$ helm install midaz oci:// --version 1.0.0 -n midaz --create-namespace

Midaz Components:

The Midaz system runs on four distinct layers that work together, distributed in segregated workloads:


Parameter Description Default Value Resource name. "ledger"
ledger.replicaCount Number of replicas. 2
ledger.image.repository Docker image repository for Ledger. "lerianstudio/midaz-ledger"
ledger.image.pullPolicy Docker image pull policy. "IfNotPresent"
ledger.image.tag Docker image tag. "latest"
ledger.podAnnotations Annotations for the pods. {}
ledger.service.type Service type. "ClusterIP"
ledger.service.port Service port. 3000
ledger.ingress.enabled Specifies whether Ingress is enabled. false
ledger.ingress.className Ingress class. {}
ledger.ingress.annotations Annotations for Ingress, including ALB configurations. {}
ledger.ingress.hosts Configured hosts for Ingress and associated paths. ""
ledger.ingress.tls TLS configurations for Ingress. []
ledger.resources.limits.cpu CPU limit allocated for the pods. "200m"
ledger.resources.limits.memory Memory limit allocated for the pods. "256Mi"
ledger.resources.requests.cpu Minimum CPU request for the pods. "100m"
ledger.resources.requests.memory Minimum memory request for the pods. "128Mi"
ledger.autoscaling.enabled Specifies whether autoscaling is enabled. true
ledger.autoscaling.minReplicas Minimum number of replicas for autoscaling. 1
ledger.autoscaling.maxReplicas Maximum number of replicas for autoscaling. 3
ledger.autoscaling.targetCPUUtilizationPercentage Target CPU utilization percentage for autoscaling. 80
ledger.nodeSelector Node selectors for pod scheduling. {}
ledger.tolerations Tolerations for pod scheduling. {}
ledger.affinity Affinity rules for pod scheduling. {}
ledger.configmap Additional configurations in ConfigMap. {}
ledger.secrets Additional secrets for the service. {}
ledger.serviceAccount.create Specifies whether the service account should be created. true
ledger.serviceAccount.annotations Annotations for the service account. {} Service account name. If not defined, it will be generated automatically. ""


Parameter Description Default Value Transaction resource name. "transaction"
transaction.replicaCount Number of service replicas. 1
transaction.image.repository Docker image repository for Transaction. "lerianstudio/midaz-transaction"
transaction.image.pullPolicy Docker image pull policy. "IfNotPresent"
transaction.image.tag Docker image tag. "1.44.0"
transaction.podAnnotations Annotations for the pods. {}
transaction.service.type Service type. "ClusterIP"
transaction.service.port Service port. 3002
transaction.ingress.enabled Specifies whether Ingress is enabled. false
transaction.ingress.className Ingress class. ""
transaction.ingress.annotations Annotations for Ingress. {}
transaction.ingress.hosts Configured hosts for Ingress and associated paths. ""
transaction.ingress.tls TLS configurations for Ingress. []
transaction.resources.limits.cpu CPU limit allocated for the pods. "200m"
transaction.resources.limits.memory Memory limit allocated for the pods. "256Mi"
transaction.resources.requests.cpu Minimum CPU request for the pods. "100m"
transaction.resources.requests.memory Minimum memory request for the pods. "128Mi"
transaction.autoscaling.enabled Specifies whether autoscaling is enabled. true
transaction.autoscaling.minReplicas Minimum number of replicas for autoscaling. 1
transaction.autoscaling.maxReplicas Maximum number of replicas for autoscaling. 3
transaction.autoscaling.targetCPUUtilizationPercentage Target CPU utilization percentage for autoscaling. 80
transaction.nodeSelector Node selectors for pod scheduling. {}
transaction.tolerations Tolerations for pod scheduling. {}
transaction.affinity Affinity rules for pod scheduling. {}
transaction.configmap Additional configurations in ConfigMap. {}
transaction.secrets Additional secrets for the service. {}
transaction.serviceAccount.create Specifies whether the service account should be created. true
transaction.serviceAccount.annotations Annotations for the service account. {} Service account name. If not defined, it will be generated automatically. ""


Parameter Description Default Value Application deployment name. "audit"
audit.replicaCount Number of application replicas. 1
audit.image.repository Docker image repository for the application. "lerianstudio/midaz-audit"
audit.image.pullPolicy Docker image pull policy. "IfNotPresent"
audit.image.tag Docker image tag. "1.44.0"
audit.imagePullSecrets Image pull secrets. []
audit.nameOverride Application name override. ""
audit.fullnameOverride Full application name override. ""
audit.podAnnotations Additional annotations for the pods. {}
audit.podSecurityContext Security context for the pods. {}
audit.securityContext Security context for the container. {}
audit.service.type Kubernetes service type. "ClusterIP"
audit.service.port Main service port. 3005
audit.ingress.enabled Enable or disable Ingress. false
audit.ingress.className Ingress class. ""
audit.ingress.annotations Additional annotations for Ingress. {}
audit.ingress.hosts List of configured hosts for Ingress. ""
audit.ingress.tls TLS configuration for Ingress. []
audit.resources.limits.cpu CPU limit for the main container. "200m"
audit.resources.limits.memory Memory limit for the main container. "256Mi"
audit.resources.requests.cpu CPU request for the main container. "100m"
audit.resources.requests.memory Memory request for the main container. "128Mi"
audit.server.image.repository Trillian Log Server image repository. ""
audit.server.service.httpPort Server HTTP port. 8091
audit.server.service.grpcPort Server gRPC port. 8090
audit.server.resources.limits.cpu CPU limit for the server. "200m"
audit.server.resources.limits.memory Memory limit for the server. "256Mi"
audit.server.resources.requests.cpu CPU request for the server. "100m"
audit.server.resources.requests.memory Memory request for the server. "128Mi"
audit.signer.image.repository Trillian Log Signer image repository. ""
audit.signer.service.httpPort Signer HTTP port. 8092
audit.signer.service.grpcPort Signer gRPC port. 8093
audit.signer.resources.limits.cpu CPU limit for the signer. "200m"
audit.signer.resources.limits.memory Memory limit for the signer. "256Mi"
audit.signer.resources.requests.cpu CPU request for the signer. "100m"
audit.signer.resources.requests.memory Memory request for the signer. "128Mi"
audit.autoscaling.enabled Enable horizontal autoscaling. true
audit.autoscaling.minReplicas Minimum number of replicas for autoscaling. 1
audit.autoscaling.maxReplicas Maximum number of replicas for autoscaling. 3
audit.autoscaling.targetCPUUtilizationPercentage CPU utilization percentage for autoscaling. 80
audit.nodeSelector Node selector for pod scheduling. {}
audit.tolerations Tolerations for pod scheduling. {}
audit.affinity Affinity configuration for pod scheduling. {}
audit.configmap Additional configurations for ConfigMap. {}
audit.secrets Additional configurations for Secrets. {}
audit.serviceAccount.create Create a ServiceAccount for the pods. true
audit.serviceAccount.annotations Annotations for the ServiceAccount. {} ServiceAccount name. ""


Parameter Description Default Value Resource name. "console"
console.replicaCount Number of replicas. 1
console.image.repository Docker image repository for Console. "lerianstudio/midaz-console"
console.image.pullPolicy Docker image pull policy. "IfNotPresent"
console.image.tag Docker image tag. "1.2.0"
console.imagePullSecrets Secrets for pulling Docker images. []
console.nameOverride Overrides the resource name. ""
console.fullnameOverride Overrides the full resource name. ""
console.podAnnotations Annotations for the pods. {}
console.podSecurityContext Security context for the pod level. {}
console.securityContext Security context for the container level. {}
console.service.type Service type. "ClusterIP"
console.service.port Service port. 8081
console.ingress.enabled Specifies whether Ingress is enabled. false
console.ingress.className Ingress class. ""
console.ingress.annotations Annotations for Ingress, including ALB configurations. []
console.ingress.hosts Configured hosts for Ingress and associated paths. ""
console.ingress.tls TLS configurations for Ingress. []
console.resources.limits.cpu CPU limit allocated for the pods. "200m"
console.resources.limits.memory Memory limit allocated for the pods. "256Mi"
console.resources.requests.cpu Minimum CPU request for the pods. "100m"
console.resources.requests.memory Minimum memory request for the pods. "128Mi"
console.autoscaling.enabled Specifies whether autoscaling is enabled. true
console.autoscaling.minReplicas Minimum number of replicas for autoscaling. 1
console.autoscaling.maxReplicas Maximum number of replicas for autoscaling. 3
console.autoscaling.targetCPUUtilizationPercentage Target CPU utilization percentage for autoscaling. 80
console.nodeSelector Node selectors for pod scheduling. {}
console.tolerations Tolerations for pod scheduling. {}
console.affinity Affinity rules for pod scheduling. {}
console.configmap Additional configurations in ConfigMap. { "NEXTAUTH_URL": "http://localhost:8081" }
console.secrets Additional secrets for the service. {}
console.serviceAccount.create Specifies whether the service account should be created. true
console.serviceAccount.annotations Annotations for the service account. {} Service account name. If not defined, it will be generated automatically. ""


This Chart has the following dependencies for the project's default installation:



PostgreSQL (Alias: casdoordb)




Casdoor Helm Charts

  • Version: v1.799.0
  • Repository: oci://