Source code can be found here:
This helm chart installs Midaz, a high-performance and open-source ledger.
The default installation is similar to the one provided in the Midaz repo.
$ helm install midaz oci:// --version 1.0.0 -n midaz --create-namespace
The Midaz system runs on four distinct layers that work together, distributed in segregated workloads:
Parameter | Description | Default Value |
---|---|---| | Resource name. | "ledger" |
ledger.replicaCount | Number of replicas. | 2 |
ledger.image.repository | Docker image repository for Ledger. | "lerianstudio/midaz-ledger" |
ledger.image.pullPolicy | Docker image pull policy. | "IfNotPresent" |
ledger.image.tag | Docker image tag. | "latest" |
ledger.podAnnotations | Annotations for the pods. | {} |
ledger.service.type | Service type. | "ClusterIP" |
ledger.service.port | Service port. | 3000 |
ledger.ingress.enabled | Specifies whether Ingress is enabled. | false |
ledger.ingress.className | Ingress class. | {} |
ledger.ingress.annotations | Annotations for Ingress, including ALB configurations. | {} |
ledger.ingress.hosts | Configured hosts for Ingress and associated paths. | "" |
ledger.ingress.tls | TLS configurations for Ingress. | [] |
ledger.resources.limits.cpu | CPU limit allocated for the pods. | "200m" |
ledger.resources.limits.memory | Memory limit allocated for the pods. | "256Mi" |
ledger.resources.requests.cpu | Minimum CPU request for the pods. | "100m" |
ledger.resources.requests.memory | Minimum memory request for the pods. | "128Mi" |
ledger.autoscaling.enabled | Specifies whether autoscaling is enabled. | true |
ledger.autoscaling.minReplicas | Minimum number of replicas for autoscaling. | 1 |
ledger.autoscaling.maxReplicas | Maximum number of replicas for autoscaling. | 3 |
ledger.autoscaling.targetCPUUtilizationPercentage | Target CPU utilization percentage for autoscaling. | 80 |
ledger.nodeSelector | Node selectors for pod scheduling. | {} |
ledger.tolerations | Tolerations for pod scheduling. | {} |
ledger.affinity | Affinity rules for pod scheduling. | {} |
ledger.configmap | Additional configurations in ConfigMap. | {} |
ledger.secrets | Additional secrets for the service. | {} |
ledger.serviceAccount.create | Specifies whether the service account should be created. | true |
ledger.serviceAccount.annotations | Annotations for the service account. | {} | | Service account name. If not defined, it will be generated automatically. | "" |
Parameter | Description | Default Value |
---|---|---| | Transaction resource name. | "transaction" |
transaction.replicaCount | Number of service replicas. | 1 |
transaction.image.repository | Docker image repository for Transaction. | "lerianstudio/midaz-transaction" |
transaction.image.pullPolicy | Docker image pull policy. | "IfNotPresent" |
transaction.image.tag | Docker image tag. | "1.44.0" |
transaction.podAnnotations | Annotations for the pods. | {} |
transaction.service.type | Service type. | "ClusterIP" |
transaction.service.port | Service port. | 3002 |
transaction.ingress.enabled | Specifies whether Ingress is enabled. | false |
transaction.ingress.className | Ingress class. | "" |
transaction.ingress.annotations | Annotations for Ingress. | {} |
transaction.ingress.hosts | Configured hosts for Ingress and associated paths. | "" |
transaction.ingress.tls | TLS configurations for Ingress. | [] |
transaction.resources.limits.cpu | CPU limit allocated for the pods. | "200m" |
transaction.resources.limits.memory | Memory limit allocated for the pods. | "256Mi" |
transaction.resources.requests.cpu | Minimum CPU request for the pods. | "100m" |
transaction.resources.requests.memory | Minimum memory request for the pods. | "128Mi" |
transaction.autoscaling.enabled | Specifies whether autoscaling is enabled. | true |
transaction.autoscaling.minReplicas | Minimum number of replicas for autoscaling. | 1 |
transaction.autoscaling.maxReplicas | Maximum number of replicas for autoscaling. | 3 |
transaction.autoscaling.targetCPUUtilizationPercentage | Target CPU utilization percentage for autoscaling. | 80 |
transaction.nodeSelector | Node selectors for pod scheduling. | {} |
transaction.tolerations | Tolerations for pod scheduling. | {} |
transaction.affinity | Affinity rules for pod scheduling. | {} |
transaction.configmap | Additional configurations in ConfigMap. | {} |
transaction.secrets | Additional secrets for the service. | {} |
transaction.serviceAccount.create | Specifies whether the service account should be created. | true |
transaction.serviceAccount.annotations | Annotations for the service account. | {} | | Service account name. If not defined, it will be generated automatically. | "" |
Parameter | Description | Default Value |
---|---|---| |
Application deployment name. | "audit" |
audit.replicaCount |
Number of application replicas. | 1 |
audit.image.repository |
Docker image repository for the application. | "lerianstudio/midaz-audit" |
audit.image.pullPolicy |
Docker image pull policy. | "IfNotPresent" |
audit.image.tag |
Docker image tag. | "1.44.0" |
audit.imagePullSecrets |
Image pull secrets. | [] |
audit.nameOverride |
Application name override. | "" |
audit.fullnameOverride |
Full application name override. | "" |
audit.podAnnotations |
Additional annotations for the pods. | {} |
audit.podSecurityContext |
Security context for the pods. | {} |
audit.securityContext |
Security context for the container. | {} |
audit.service.type |
Kubernetes service type. | "ClusterIP" |
audit.service.port |
Main service port. | 3005 |
audit.ingress.enabled |
Enable or disable Ingress. | false |
audit.ingress.className |
Ingress class. | "" |
audit.ingress.annotations |
Additional annotations for Ingress. | {} |
audit.ingress.hosts |
List of configured hosts for Ingress. | "" |
audit.ingress.tls |
TLS configuration for Ingress. | [] |
audit.resources.limits.cpu |
CPU limit for the main container. | "200m" |
audit.resources.limits.memory |
Memory limit for the main container. | "256Mi" |
audit.resources.requests.cpu |
CPU request for the main container. | "100m" |
audit.resources.requests.memory |
Memory request for the main container. | "128Mi" |
audit.server.image.repository |
Trillian Log Server image repository. | "" |
audit.server.service.httpPort |
Server HTTP port. | 8091 |
audit.server.service.grpcPort |
Server gRPC port. | 8090 |
audit.server.resources.limits.cpu |
CPU limit for the server. | "200m" |
audit.server.resources.limits.memory |
Memory limit for the server. | "256Mi" |
audit.server.resources.requests.cpu |
CPU request for the server. | "100m" |
audit.server.resources.requests.memory |
Memory request for the server. | "128Mi" |
audit.signer.image.repository |
Trillian Log Signer image repository. | "" |
audit.signer.service.httpPort |
Signer HTTP port. | 8092 |
audit.signer.service.grpcPort |
Signer gRPC port. | 8093 |
audit.signer.resources.limits.cpu |
CPU limit for the signer. | "200m" |
audit.signer.resources.limits.memory |
Memory limit for the signer. | "256Mi" |
audit.signer.resources.requests.cpu |
CPU request for the signer. | "100m" |
audit.signer.resources.requests.memory |
Memory request for the signer. | "128Mi" |
audit.autoscaling.enabled |
Enable horizontal autoscaling. | true |
audit.autoscaling.minReplicas |
Minimum number of replicas for autoscaling. | 1 |
audit.autoscaling.maxReplicas |
Maximum number of replicas for autoscaling. | 3 |
audit.autoscaling.targetCPUUtilizationPercentage |
CPU utilization percentage for autoscaling. | 80 |
audit.nodeSelector |
Node selector for pod scheduling. | {} |
audit.tolerations |
Tolerations for pod scheduling. | {} |
audit.affinity |
Affinity configuration for pod scheduling. | {} |
audit.configmap |
Additional configurations for ConfigMap. | {} |
audit.secrets |
Additional configurations for Secrets. | {} |
audit.serviceAccount.create |
Create a ServiceAccount for the pods. | true |
audit.serviceAccount.annotations |
Annotations for the ServiceAccount. | {} | |
ServiceAccount name. | "" |
Parameter | Description | Default Value |
---|---|---| |
Resource name. | "console" |
console.replicaCount |
Number of replicas. | 1 |
console.image.repository |
Docker image repository for Console. | "lerianstudio/midaz-console" |
console.image.pullPolicy |
Docker image pull policy. | "IfNotPresent" |
console.image.tag |
Docker image tag. | "1.2.0" |
console.imagePullSecrets |
Secrets for pulling Docker images. | [] |
console.nameOverride |
Overrides the resource name. | "" |
console.fullnameOverride |
Overrides the full resource name. | "" |
console.podAnnotations |
Annotations for the pods. | {} |
console.podSecurityContext |
Security context for the pod level. | {} |
console.securityContext |
Security context for the container level. | {} |
console.service.type |
Service type. | "ClusterIP" |
console.service.port |
Service port. | 8081 |
console.ingress.enabled |
Specifies whether Ingress is enabled. | false |
console.ingress.className |
Ingress class. | "" |
console.ingress.annotations |
Annotations for Ingress, including ALB configurations. | [] |
console.ingress.hosts |
Configured hosts for Ingress and associated paths. | "" |
console.ingress.tls |
TLS configurations for Ingress. | [] |
console.resources.limits.cpu |
CPU limit allocated for the pods. | "200m" |
console.resources.limits.memory |
Memory limit allocated for the pods. | "256Mi" |
console.resources.requests.cpu |
Minimum CPU request for the pods. | "100m" |
console.resources.requests.memory |
Minimum memory request for the pods. | "128Mi" |
console.autoscaling.enabled |
Specifies whether autoscaling is enabled. | true |
console.autoscaling.minReplicas |
Minimum number of replicas for autoscaling. | 1 |
console.autoscaling.maxReplicas |
Maximum number of replicas for autoscaling. | 3 |
console.autoscaling.targetCPUUtilizationPercentage |
Target CPU utilization percentage for autoscaling. | 80 |
console.nodeSelector |
Node selectors for pod scheduling. | {} |
console.tolerations |
Tolerations for pod scheduling. | {} |
console.affinity |
Affinity rules for pod scheduling. | {} |
console.configmap |
Additional configurations in ConfigMap. | { "NEXTAUTH_URL": "http://localhost:8081" } |
console.secrets |
Additional secrets for the service. | {} |
console.serviceAccount.create |
Specifies whether the service account should be created. | true |
console.serviceAccount.annotations |
Annotations for the service account. | {} | |
Service account name. If not defined, it will be generated automatically. | "" |
This Chart has the following dependencies for the project's default installation:
- Version: 19.3.4
- Repository:
- Version: 16.3.0
- Repository:
- Version: 16.3.0
- Repository:
- Version: 15.4.5
- Repository:
- Version: 20.2
- Repository:
- Version: 16.0.0
- Repository:
- Version: v1.799.0
- Repository: oci://