Upload the file "AsyncUDPServerAIRLabActualOriginal". It will return the UDP_IP.
In the optitrack_natnet-main folder, there is a file called optitrackPilot.py. This is used to make the blimp hover in place. Create a RigidBody on the OptiTrack system. The yaw angle 0 will be facing the positive x-axis upon creation of the RigidBody. Fill in the UDP_IP in the optiTrackPilot File. Fill in your device's IP address for clientAddress. The OptiTrack system will also display a server address, which you must fill in for optitrackServerAddress. Lastly, if you select the RigidBody and go to the Properties panel, you will find an ID number, which you must fill in for robot_id. Change any setpoints you would like for the coordinates for the blimp to hover at. Run the code and the blimp will go to those setpoints.