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adapt-bgImages is a theme based on the core vanilla theme.
It adds fixed positioned full screen background images to the menu and pages.


  • Different background-image for each page.
  • Each background image does have 4 versions (landscape, portrait, small-landscape, small-portrait) loaded based on the device size and orientation.
  • Easy customization. You can add your own images to the Theme.


  • With the Adapt CLI installed, run the following from the command line:
    adapt install adapt-bgImages

  • In the Adapt authoring tool, it may be installed using the Plug-in Manager.


The Adapt framework does not allow the installation of more than one theme at a time. In order to replace bgImages it must be uninstalled. With the root of your framework installation as your current working directory, run the following command:
adapt uninstall adapt-bgImages


The structure of the theme is based on the Vanilla theme. For more information about the structure, please refere to the core themes documentation.

Folder/File Description
assets This is the location of the background images. Please overwrite the existing images with your custom images. You are also welcome to add more images.
less/bg-images.less In this file you can customize the bgImages theme specific variables. See below for more information.

Use it in your Course

Once the theme is installed you can use it with your course.

Select a background image for a page

By default, this theme includes 4 different background images. The images are stored in the /assets/ directory. To apply image "/assets/img-a-m-l.png" to a page, add the class bg-image-1 to the classes-attribute of the contentObject. bg-image-1 actually instructs the browser to load 1 of 4 different images depending on the device size and orientation. Please refer to the table below for how the imagenames are mapped to the class and device attributes.

image name device width device orientation css class
img-1-m-l.png > 760px landscape bg-image-1
img-1-m-p.png > 760px porttrait bg-image-1
img-1-s-l.png < 760px landscape bg-image-1
img-1-s-p.png < 760px porttrait bg-image-1
img-2-m-l.png > 760px landscape bg-image-2
img-2-m-p.png > 760px porttrait bg-image-2
img-2-s-l.png < 760px landscape bg-image-2
img-2-s-p.png < 760px porttrait bg-image-2
img-3-m-l.png > 760px landscape bg-image-3
img-3-m-p.png > 760px porttrait bg-image-3
img-3-s-l.png < 760px landscape bg-image-3
img-3-s-p.png < 760px porttrait bg-image-3
img-4-m-l.png > 760px landscape bg-image-4
img-4-m-p.png > 760px porttrait bg-image-4
img-4-s-l.png < 760px landscape bg-image-4
img-4-s-p.png < 760px porttrait bg-image-4
menu-m-l.png > 760px landscape no class required, will be applied to menu page
menu-m-p.png > 760px porttrait no class required, will be applied to menu page
menu-s-l.png < 760px landscape no class required, will be applied to menu page
menu-s-p.png < 760px porttrait no class required, will be applied to menu page

Use your own images


Simply replace the existing images in the /assets/ folder with your custom images.

Add more images to the list

The image names are defined in /less/bg-images.less. in this file you can update the name or add more images to the list by mutating the variables @bg-images-landscape, @bg-images-portrait, @bg-images-small-landscape, @bg-images-small-portrait. To add your custom image, add it to the /assets/ folder and append the name to the variables. Please note that all 4 variables must have the same number of comma separated image-paths. If you add a new image to this variable, the css class for this image will be bg-image-5 as it is the 5th item in the list.

"Windows" between 2 blocks

Since the content of the page scrolls over the background images, it might be usefull to add a transparent gap between two blocks. With this approach you can structure the content and create a interesting effects. Add the class window-10 to a blocks _classes-attribute to add a 10% gap at the top of the block. By default, the theme supports the following values defined in one variable:
@window-spacing: 10, 15, 20, 25, 33, 50, 75, 100;

If you would like to use a spacing that is not in the default list, you can add the value to the list. Just make sure that all values a separated with a comma and the declaration ends with a ;.

Article headers

Article headers will have a transparent background. So the text is displayed directly over the background-image. A text shadow is applied to this text for legibility. You can customize the shadow-color in /less/colors.less with the @article-title-text-shadow and @article-body-text-shadow variables.

hide the page-header

To hide the page-header, add the hide-header class to a contentObjects _classes-attribute.


No known limitations.

Version number: 1.0.0 adapt learning logo
Framework versions: 2.0
Author / maintainer: LearnChamp
Accessibility support: WAI AA
RTL support: yes
Cross-platform coverage: Chrome, Chrome for Android, Firefox (ESR + latest version), Edge 12, IE 11, IE10, IE9, IE8, IE Mobile 11, Safari for iPhone (iOS 8+9), Safari for iPad (iOS 8+9), Safari 8, Opera