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📄 Introduction to communite

Communite is a smart contract that allows citizens to create and store complaints or suggestions about the state of their community using the NEAR protocol in order to have a transparent, reliable and safe space where they can express their problems. The following are the main functionalities of this smart contract:

  1. Create a complaint or suggestion.
  2. Get all the complaints living on the smart contract to know your status (Submited, In progress and Done).
  3. Get only the complaints that I already create.
  4. Vote on a complaint or suggestion from other to give more weight.
  5. Change the status of a complaint (Submited, In progress and Done) if I'm the owner.

📦 Locally installation

To run this project locally you need to follow the next steps:

Step 1: Prerequisites

  1. Make sure you've installed Node.js ≥ 12 (we recommend use nvm)

  2. Make sure you've installed yarn: npm install -g yarn

  3. Install dependencies: yarn install

  4. Create a test near account NEAR test account

  5. Install the NEAR CLI globally: near-cli is a command line interface (CLI) for interacting with the NEAR blockchain

    yarn install --global near-cli

Step 2: Configure your NEAR CLI

Configure your near-cli to authorize your test account recently created:

near login

Step 3: Build and make a smart contract development deploy

Build the communite smart contract code and deploy the local development server: yarn buildevploy (see package.json for a full list of scripts you can run with yarn). This script return to you a provisional smart contract deployed (save it to use later)

Congratulations, now you'll have a local development environment running on the NEAR TestNet! 🥳

📑 Exploring the communite smart contract methods

The following commands allow you to interact with the smart contract methods using the near cli (for this you need to have a provisional smart contract deployed).

Information: the commands will require especific data (category, status)

Category values:

0. the value 0 represents a Lights problem.
1. the value 1 represents a Street problem.  
2. the value 2 represents a Neighborhoodh problem.  
3. the value 1 represents a Water problem.  

Command to make a complaint:

near call <your deployed contract> addNewComplaint '{"title": "string","description":"string","category":integer,"location":"string"}' --account-id <your test account>

Command to get all the complaint created:

near view <your deployed contract> getComplaints

Command to get all my complaints created:

near call <your deployed contract> getNumberOfComplaints --accountId <your test account>

Command to get the number of complaints created:

near view <your deployed contract> getNComplaints

Command to see a specific complaint information:

near view <your deployed contract> getComplaintInfo '{"id":integer (id from you complaint)}' --accountId <your test account>

Command to vote for a complaint:

near call <your deployed contract> voteComplaint '{"id":integer (id from you complaint)}' --accountId <your test account>

Command to remote a vote for a complaint that I made:

near call <your deployed contract> removeVote '{"id":integer (id from you complaint)}' --accountId <your test account>

Command to change the status (Submited to In progress) of a complaint if you are not the complaint owner (you need to be the solver of the complaint):

near call <your deployed contract> takeComplaint '{"id":integer (id from you complaint)}' --accountId <your test account>

Command to change the status (In progress to Done) of a complaint if you're the complaint owner:

near call <your deployed contract> finishComplaint '{"id":integer (id from you complaint)}' --accountId <your test account>

Command to change the status (Submited to In progress and In progress to Done) of a complaint if you're the complaint owner:

near call <your deployed contract> finishComplaint '{"id":integer (id from you complaint)}' --accountId <your test account>

😎 Test communite smart contract

Testing is a part of the development, then to run the tests in the communite smart contract you need to run the follow command:

yarn test

this will execute the tests methods on the assembly/__tests__/main.spect.js file

👩🏼‍🏫 Exploring and Explaining The Code

This is a explanation of the smart contract file system

├──                                       # this file
├── as-pect.config.js                               # configuration for as-pect (AssemblyScript unit testing)
├── asconfig.json                                   # configuration file for Assemblyscript compiler
├── assembly
│   ├── __tests__
│   │   ├── as-pect.d.ts                            # as-pect unit testing headers for type hints
│   │   └── main.spec.ts                            # unit test for the contract
│   ├── as_types.d.ts                               # AssemblyScript headers for type hint
│   ├── index.ts                                    # contains the smart contract code
│   ├── models.ts                                   # contains code for the models accesible to the smart contract
│   └── tsconfig.json                               # Typescript configuration file
├── neardev
│   ├── dev-account                                 #in this file the provisional deploy smart contract account is saved
│   └── dev-account.env                             #in this file the provisional deploy smart contract account is saved like a environment variable                             
├── out
│   └── main.wasm                                   # compiled smart contract code using to deploy
├── package-lock.json                               # project manifest lock version
├── package.json                                    # Node.js project manifest (scripts and dependencies)
└── yarn.lock                                       # project manifest lock version
  1. The smart contract code lives in the /assambly folder.
  2. To make a test deploy use the scripts in the /package.json file.

Thanks to be interested in our project! 🤗

Here we leave a UX/UI design proposal to develop the frontend part of the communite project.


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  • TypeScript 99.2%
  • Other 0.8%