An advanced tool for AE2, to manage P2P networks.
Supports both 1.20.1 Fabric and Forge!
Fabric: Requires Architectury API (fabric), Fabric Language Kotlin
Forge: Requires Architectury API (forge), Kotlin for Forge
Please choose the corrent corresponding dependencies for your mod loader!
Documentation is now available to read:
1.7.10 Currently Maintained by GTNH Team:
1.12.2 Currently Maintained by AE2UEL:
All new features and ideas in 1.20 are based on Betterer P2P, thanks AE2UEL Team!
- Config
- Stability Checks
- PnC for its block outline code
- LasmGratel for the first BetterP2P
- GlodBlock for the first 1.7.10 port
- firenoo for the big revamps <3
- AE2UEL Team for Betterer P2P