A fictional banking application that demonstrates micro-frontend using Single-SPA framework.
Organization: lamisola-banking-group
Application names:
- lamisola-bank-app ( root-config, port: 9000 )
- header-mfe ( port: 9005 )
- dashboard-mfe ( port: 9010 )
Definition of done
- All MFEs are integrated in the main app. User can navigate from different pages.
- Header-mfe is consumable in different MFEs once it is needed.
- CSS is available through all MFEs.
To run all the applications. Make sure all dependencies are installed.
npm i
npm start -- --port 9005
npm i
npm start -- --port 9010
npm i
npm start
- Create Single-SPA root config app
- Create dashboard MFE app
- Create header MFE app
- Include header MFE app inside the dashboard MFE app
- Declare all Single-SPA application in the root-config app
Create a new Single-SPA project. Type create-single-spa in the terminal.
npx create-single-spa
Supply the following questions using the answers below.
? Directory for new project lamisola-bank-app
? Select type to generate single-spa root config
? Which package manager do you want to use? npm
? Will this project use Typescript? No
? Would you like to use single-spa Layout Engine Yes
? Organization name** (can use letters, numbers, dash or underscore) lamisola-banking-group
Type npm start in the terminal to boot up your single-spa root config.
npm start
Start creating single-spa application, by typing create-single-spa inside the terminal.
Supply the following questions using the below answers.
? Directory for new project dashboard-mfe
? Select type to generate single-spa application / parcel
? Which framework do you want to use? react
? Which package manager do you want to use? npm
? Will this project use Typescript? No
? Organization name (can use letters, numbers, dash or underscore) lamisola-banking-group
? Project name (can use letters, numbers, dash or underscore) dashboard-mfe
Run the application.
npm start -- --port 9010
Create a single-spa project
Create a new directory. Select single-spa application / parcel and use React as a framework for this project.
? Directory for new project header-mfe
? Select type to generate single-spa application / parcel
? Which framework do you want to use? react
? Which package manager do you want to use? npm
? Will this project use Typescript? No
? Organization name** (can use letters, numbers, dash or underscore) lamisola-banking-group
? Project name (can use letters, numbers, dash or underscore) header-mfe
Run the application
npm start -- --port 9005
Import Parcel in dashboard-mfe's root.component.js
import Parcel from 'single-spa-react/parcel';
Then add Parcel inside the root function of the root.component.js.
export default function Root(props) {
return (
<Parcel config={() => System.import("@lamisola-banking-group/header-mfe")} />
Define all MFEs inside the index.ejs of lamisola-bank-app.
<% if (isLocal) { %>
<script type="systemjs-importmap">
"imports": {
"@single-spa/welcome": "https://unpkg.com/single-spa-welcome/dist/single-spa-welcome.js",
"@lamisola-banking-group/root-config": "//localhost:9000/lamisola-banking-group-root-config.js",
"react": "https://unpkg.com/[email protected]/umd/react.production.min.js",
"react-dom": "https://unpkg.com/[email protected]/umd/react-dom.production.min.js",
"@lamisola-banking-group/header-mfe": "//localhost:9011/lamisola-banking-group-header-mfe.js",
"@lamisola-banking-group/dashboard-mfe": "//localhost:9010/lamisola-banking-group-dashboard-mfe.js"
<% } %>