This is an implementation of Edmonds–Karp algorithm (Breadth first search specialization of Ford-Fulkerson Algorithm) for Maximum Flow Problem in Ruby
Method maximum_flow() should be called with 3 cumpulsory parameters:
sources: array with source names
e.g. ['city1', 'city2', 'city3']
sinks: array with sink names
e.g. ['city4', 'city5']
graph_edges: array with strings containing two vertices and flow seperated with #(default)
e.g. ['city1#city2#5', 'city2,city4,20']
2 optional parameters are also provide:
directed: takes boolean value (default: true)
true: treats all graph edges as directed false: treats all graph edges as undirected
splitter: For graph_edges, default splitter between vertices and flow value is '#'. It can be set using spliiter parameter.
e.g. splitter: ','