It is a netbeans java project. A Complete working software... Technologies used are Java and Oracle!
Main Functionalities:
- There will be two panels. One for user and other for admin (admin's mobiler number: 03363206139 , password: Kelash).
- A user can register himself/herself if he/she want to buy any mobile. If in any case he/she forgot his/her password while login after registration then he/she also can change password based on some conditions.
- He can see all users information.
- He can see the graph representing the number of sold mobile phones in last five months.
- He can add new mobiles in present categories.
- He can see the user reviews but can not alter them.
- He can see the top selling mobile phones.
- He can also see the sold mobile phones (whole info including sale date , buyer name, buyer mobile number , mobile model, mobile category and many more...).
- He or she can buy a mobile phone or a number of mobile phones depending on his interest and income.
- There will be a cart where he/she can see the number of added mobiles phones, where he/she can also remove from cart if he/she wants.
- There is a complete process of bill payement.
- User can give review.
- User can see the top selling mobile phones information.
So, these all even many more than these functionalities: one can see in this software!