Check demo at
You can pass any nouislider options to no-ui-slider directive. You should use ng-model instead of start property.
Basic use-case:
angular.module('sampleApp', ['ya.nouislider'])
.controller('SampleCtrl', function($scope) {
$scope.values = [20, 70];
$scope.options = {
range: {min: 0, max: 100}
<div no-ui-slider='options' ng-model='values'></div>
You can set global configuration value noUiSliderConfig and all nouislider options will inherit from it:
angular.module('sampleApp', ['ya.nouislider']).value('noUiSliderConfig', {step: 1})
noUiSlider library can also be passed to element, otherwise it is expected to be found from window.noUiSlider
<!-- $scope.lib = noUiSlider || window.noUiSlider; -->
<div no-ui-slider='options' no-ui-slider-lib='lib' ng-model='values'></div>
Also, one can boost the performance by triggering the update only on change
(default: update
) and/or adjusting the ng-model-options:
ng-model-options='{ debounce: 500 }'>
Field can be disabled with ng-disabled='true'