A KIM-1 system built around a Cypress PSOC 5LP (Schmartboard PSOC 5LP Dev Board)
This is a KIM-1 system clone that includes code (firmware), schematics and PCB. It's designed to run most of the programs that can be found in The First Book of KIM. This KIM-1 clone emulates a 6502 and runs on the original firmware. This KIM-1 board has somewhat reduced functionality as is doesn't include I/O or a tape interface. It uses a touchscreen inteface instead of a matrix keypad.
This KIM-1 clone includes:
- 1 MHz clock operation
- 6502 emulator (cycle accurate)
- Partly emulated 6530 (x2) which includes:
- ROM area
- RAM area
- Interval Timer (with frequency divider)
- 32K RAM expansion
- 7-Segment display
- Non-amplified audio out (for the program Music Box)
- TTL serial input (terminal keyboard / loading programs)
- Touchscreen interface (Nextion Enhanced NX4024K032)