Not validated for high security use. Can be useful for simple secret sharing.
The program uses AES EAX mode to encrypt/decrypt a file and then uses Shamir's Secret Sharing to achieve secret sharing.
Install all the dependencies listed in requirements.txt
To encrypt a file, run the following command:
python3 encrypt.py <input_filename> <output_filename> <shares_filename>
To decrypt a file, run the following command:
# runs in interactive mode
python3 decrypt.py <input_filename> <output_filename> -i
# provide shares as command line arguments
python3 decrypt.py <input_filename> <output_filename> -s <share_1> <share_2> ... <share_n>
Help for encrypt.py
usage: encrypt.py [-h] [-e e] [-v] [-n N] [-t T] input output shares
Produce an encrypted file and a set of shares.
positional arguments:
input Input file name
output Encrypted file name, should be in .json format
shares Shares file name, usually in .txt format
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-e e, --encoding e {hex|b32|b64} Encoding to use for shares. Default: b32
-v, --verbose Verbose output.
Shamir's Secret Sharing Scheme:
-n N, --needed_shares N
The number of shares required to reconstruct the key. Default: 3
-t T, --total_shares T
The total number of shares to produce. Default: 3
Help for decrypt.py
usage: decrypt.py [-h] [-e e] [-v] (-s S [S ...] | -i) input output
Decrypts the encrypted file with a set of shares.
positional arguments:
input Encrypted file name, should be in .json format
output Output file name
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-e e, --encoding e {hex|b32|b64} Encoding to use for shares. Default: b32
-v, --verbose Verbose output.
Share input:
-s S [S ...], --shares S [S ...]
All shares required to reconstruct the key.
-i, --interactive Interactive mode. You will be prompted to enter the shares.