Update and view the latest events
- The server side of the project runs on Node.js environment and is set up using express framework. All the packages used are maintained using npm package manager.
- The client side of the project is rendered using the ejs view engine. The Frontend is designed using the bootstrap framework and utilizing various bootstrap components.
- The data is stored in the MongoDB Atlas Cloud Database. The mongoose package is used for server‑database communication. Client‑Server communication is done with the help of Javascript’s Fetch API
- Google Calender API used so that the events can be saved on users google calender
- Packages: Node.js, MongoDB atlas, Express, EJS, Mongoose, Multer, GoogleAPI.
Most recent upcoming events visible
Events from Specific Committees
Successfull Sign-up
Unsuccessfull Sign-up
Other checks also in place for email, invalid input and injection attacks.
Sucessfull Creation
Event can be added to Google Calender
- Adding a client-side rendering feature using framework like React, instead of Server-side rendering using EJS
- Increasing ease of use by adding featurs like one click registration and importing student info from college database