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Generate a CI pipeline configuration from a skaffold.yaml file. So far, only gitlab is supported. The generated CI pipeline yaml is readable and can be further tweaked by hand.


Suppose you have a skaffold.yaml in your project root. The following command will generate a gitlab CI yaml file:

cd /path/to/project
docker run --rm -it -v $PWD:/opt/source:ro frankdekervel/skaffold2ci \
    skaffold2ci generate-gitlabci --input=/opt/source/skaffold.yaml > .gitlab-ci.yaml

The CI will do the following:

  • Build all docker images, taking into account the dependencies from the skaffold.yaml. Currently, only one dependency per docker image is supported.
  • Only run automatically when the current commit is tagged with a semver tag (eg "v0.4.2"). Otherwise, it can run but must be started by hand.
  • After building all docker images, a helm chart will be published to gitlabs built-in package registry. The helm chart will already have the artifactOverrides from skaffold.yaml taken into account. This way, version 0.4.2 of your helm chart will refer to version 0.4.2 of all docker images.

Optional: automatic creation of a gitlab release with changelog based on git-chglog. To do this, first generate a git-chglog configuration:

cd /path/to/project
mkdir .chglog
docker run --rm -it -v $PWD:/opt/source:ro frankdekervel/skaffold2ci \
    skaffold2ci generate-chglog-config --repository-url= > .chglog/config.yml

docker run --rm -it -v $PWD:/opt/source:ro frankdekervel/skaffold2ci \
    skaffold2ci generate-changelog-template > .chglog/

Now, if you re-generate the gitlab CI (see above command), it will detect the configuraiton and emit extra steps, to create a changelog and to create a release automatically whenever you tag a commit with a semver tag. Unfortunately, a gitlab release can not be made using the gitlab CI token, neither can it be made using a deploy token. So you will have to create a personal token for this and configure it as a variable under settings->ci_cd. You will have to name this variable CREATE_RELEASE_TOKEN, and you can not mark it as protected, but you need to mark it as masked.



create a CI configuration from a Skaffold yaml






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