Releases: Kalpanika/x3f_wrapper
0.57 Beta
Merrill Flat Fielding-- Adding Merrill Opcodes to DNG processing
With this release, we've merged in @geni1105's PR to generate flat fielding opcodes for the DP1M, DP2M, DP3M, and 30mm f/1.4 on the SD1M. If you process photos from any of those configurations and have the 'Correct Merrill Color Cast' option checked in the settings dialog, then the flat field opcodes will be applied automatically.
If you try to apply opcodes to other cameras, the wrapper will ignore you and go about its merry way. That way, you can have the option always checked, if you have multiple Sigma cameras.
This release is tagged as beta until I have some confirmation other than my tests that it's working.
Third Release
This is a bugfix release. In this release:
For Windows:
-- exiftools.exe is now included. Please reset your settings to use the new exiftools if you already have a version specified, or you've been having problems with exif information.
-- tiff export now works
-- the version number is specified on the preferences pane
For Mac:
-- First release!
-- All bug fixes that were present for the Windows version have been carried over to the Mac.
-- You will need to install exiftool directly via the dmg file:
-- the x3f_extract program is included in the download bundle.
Second Windows Release
This release addresses a bug where, if the exif tools executable is not renamed in windows, an error message appears to try to head off problems. A more complete solution will be required.
The bug is this:
-- When you initially download and use the exiftools executable on Windows, it has been named with a parameter in the name (ie, it's called 'exiftools(-k).exe').
-- If this executable is not renamed to 'exiftools.exe', then the conversion will not work.
-- As of right now, a failure message will be produced if you try to run a conversion with the (-k) still in the exif tools executable name. If you do not properly specify the exif tools executable, you will receive a warning, but only on program startup and parameter configuration, not during actual running of the program.
First (Windows) Release
This release uses Qt as the foundation for the wrapper. It only includes the windows release, and was tested only on Windows 10. Please report any issues you find.
To run it, double click on the x3f_wrapper executable.