A clean and efficient To Do application built with MVVM architecture, focusing on essential task management features with a modern UI.
- Single-click task creation
- Edit existing tasks
- Delete tasks
- Mark tasks as completed/incomplete
- Dark mode support
- Task data structure
- ID
- Title
- Completion status
- Timestamp
- Task list display
- Task input field
- Task action buttons (edit, delete, complete)
- Dark mode toggle
- Modern, minimalist UI
- Task management logic
- Data binding between View and Model
- State management
- Dark mode state handling
- Clean, intuitive interface
- Single-click task addition
- Smooth transitions
- Responsive design
- Persistent data storage
- MVVM Architecture
- Local data persistence
- State management
- UI components library
- Theme management system
- Core MVVM setup
- Basic task operations (CRUD)
- UI/UX implementation
- Dark mode integration
- Testing and optimization