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To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install from the Example directory first.



OttuCheckout is available through CocoaPods. To install

it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod 'OttuCheckout'


Integrate with Xcode

Add the Apple Pay capability to your app. In Xcode, open your project settings, choose the Capabilities tab, and enable the Apple Pay switch. You may be prompted to log in to your developer account at this point. Enable the checkbox next to the merchant ID you created earlier, and your app is ready to accept Apple Pay.

Enable the Apple pay capability in Xcode


in ViewController

After install SDK from Cocoapods you need to implement it in to your Controller

import OttuCheckout

Then create variable like this

var checkout = Checkout!

After this you can set config apple pay request

checkout.domainUrl = "domain"

checkout.sessionID = "session_id"

let applePayConfig = ApplePayConfig() = [.Amex, .MasterCard, .Visa]

applePayConfig.countryCode = .SR

applePayConfig.merchantID = "merchant"

applePayConfig.code = "apple-pay"

applePayConfig.merchantCapabilities = [.capability3DS]
applePayConfig.paymentItems = [
    PKPaymentSummaryItem(label: "My Product", amount: NSDecimalNumber(decimal: 1)),
    PKPaymentSummaryItem(label: "Delivery Tax", amount: NSDecimalNumber(decimal: 2))

checkout.configure(applePayConfig: applePayConfig, amount: "1", currency_code: .SAR)

Name Type Description Defualt
applePayConfig ApplePayConfig Mandatory params to initiate ApplePay no
applePayConfig.countryCode String The two-letter ISO 3166 country code. .SR [PKPaymentNetwork] List of available payment methods that are supported by Apple Pay. [.Amex, .Visa, .MasterCard]
applePayConfig.paymentItems [PKPaymentSummaryItem] An array of payment summary item objects that summarize the amount of the payment. no
applePayConfig.merchantID String Your merchant identifier. no
applePayConfig.merchantCapabilities PKMerchantCapability Capabilities for processing payment. [.capability3DS]
applePayConfig.code String Special code for request to payment server. no
amount PKPaymentSummaryItem An object that defines a summary item in a payment request—for example, total, tax, discount, or grand total. no
currency_code String The three-letter ISO 4217 currency code. no
domainUrl String API pay url, where payment shall be confirmed against Apple Pay token no
sessionID String Specified token which you need to get here no

Init UIView where Apple Pay button will be inserted

@IBOutlet weak var applePayButtonView:UIView!

Now you can request Apple Pay button

switch self.knpay.displayApplePayButton(applePayView: self.appleBtnView) {

    case .Eligible:
    case .NeedSetup:
    case .NotEligible:
    case .SessionIDNotSetuped:
    case .DomainURLNotSetuped:
    case .CodeNotSetuped:

You can put code above in any place but before you start using SDK.


You need to delegate Chekout

checkout.delegate = self

Then implement CheckoutDelegate protocol to your ViewController

extension  ViewController: CheckoutDelegate {

    func onErrorHandler(serverResponse: [String : Any]?, statusCode: Int?, error: Error?) {
        // Check any error from server

    func paymentFinished(yourDomainResponse: [String:Any], applePayResultCompletion: @escaping (PKPaymentAuthorizationResult) -> Void) {

        if let approved = yourDomainResponse["approved"], approved as? Bool == true {
            applePayResultCompletion(PKPaymentAuthorizationResult(status: .success, errors: nil))
        else {
            applePayResultCompletion(PKPaymentAuthorizationResult(status: .failure, errors: nil))

    func  paymentDissmised() {


Ottu, [email protected]


OttuCheckout is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.