Created this to learn how to program in C/C++ from remote locations and possibly rewrite some old projects in either.
Lets see how far this goes, Cheers!
1. Folders for source and binaries
2. Primary updates for code will be comitted after all tests and binaries marked with date
1. Learning how to create a simple login form for super secret terminal proggies
2. This is very new and I don't know a lot of shit so we are going to figure it out later
1. Testing binaries placed in bin ~/CThings/bin/ folder.
2. Having a hard time figuring out how to output strings assigned to varaiables in the terminal...
3. Cooking up new simple projects while updating older ones.
1. Reviewed syntax errors in code
2. Considering rewriting the entire code
1. Code rewrite done
- void main() from src/login.c got changed to
- int main()
1. Grasped basic pointers, next is password encryption
2. Struct is quite an interesting tool