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Add rand methods for vMF
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sethaxen committed Aug 15, 2021
1 parent 0ae1f11 commit bb16ca0
Showing 1 changed file with 226 additions and 0 deletions.
226 changes: 226 additions & 0 deletions src/vonmisesfisher.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -147,3 +147,229 @@ function lognorm_vmf(p, κ)
r = logbesseli(ν, κ) + ν * (logtwo - log(κ))
return r + loggamma(oftype(r, p//2))

# Random sampling

function Base.rand(rng::AbstractRNG, T::Type, d::VonMisesFisher)
p = default_point(d, T)
return Random.rand!(rng, p, d)

## von Mises

# Best, D. J., and Nicholas I. Fisher. "Efficient simulation of the von Mises distribution."

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kellertuer Aug 17, 2021


Would it be reasonable in the long run to have these in the docs? So either in a doctoring or on the documentation page for von Mises?

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sethaxen Aug 17, 2021

Author Member

Yeah, definitely. I plan to reimplement these as samplers (see JuliaMath/MeasureTheory.jl#143), and will document them in the associated docstrings. In particular, all of these samplers generalize the cited methods to support complex and quaternionic fields as well, and that needs to be be documented.

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kellertuer Aug 17, 2021



# Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series C (Applied Statistics) 28.2 (1979): 152-157.
# doi: 10.2307/2346732
function Base.rand(rng::AbstractRNG, T::Type, d::VonMises{ℝ,(:μ, :κ)})
κ = d.κ
= 2κ
τ = 1 + sqrt(1 +^2)
ρ =- sqrt(2τ)) /
r = (1 + ρ^2) / 2ρ
f = zero(T)
while true
z = cospi(rand(rng, T))
f = T((1 + r * z) / (r + z))
c = κ * (r - f)
u = rand(rng, T)
(c * (2 - c) > u || log(c / u) + 1 c) && break
θ₀ = acos(f)
θ = (rand(rng, (θ₀, -θ₀)))
return mod2pi+ d.μ + π) - π
function Base.rand(rng::AbstractRNG, T::Type, d::VonMises{ℂ,(:μ, :κ)})
θ = rand(rng, T, VonMises(ℝ; μ=angle(d.μ), κ=d.κ))
return cis(θ)
function Base.rand(rng::AbstractRNG, T::Type, d::VonMises{ℂ,(:c,)})
c = d.c
θ = rand(rng, T, VonMises(ℝ; μ=angle(c), κ=abs(c)))
return cis(θ)

## von Mises-Fisher on the sphere

function Random.rand!(
rng::AbstractRNG, p::AbstractArray, d::VonMisesFisher{<:AbstractSphere,(:μ, :κ)}
n = manifold_dimension(base_manifold(d)) + 1
return _rand_vmf_sphere!(rng, p, n, d.μ, d.κ)
function Random.rand!(
rng::AbstractRNG, p::AbstractArray, d::VonMisesFisher{<:AbstractSphere,(:c,)}
n = manifold_dimension(base_manifold(d)) + 1
return _rand_vmf_sphere!(rng, p, n, d.c)

# Andrew T.A Wood (1994) Simulation of the von mises fisher distribution,
# Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation, 23:1, 157-164
# doi: 10.1080/0361091940881316
function _rand_vmf_sphere!(rng, p, n, μ, κ)
eltype(p) <: Real && isone(n) && return _rand_vmf_0sphere!(rng, p, κ * μ)
T = real(eltype(p))
_rand_normal_vmf_sphere_xaxis!(rng, n, p, T(κ))
_reflect_from_xaxis_to_c!(p, μ, 1)
return p
function _rand_vmf_sphere!(rng, p, n, c)
eltype(p) <: Real && isone(n) && return _rand_vmf_0sphere!(rng, p, c)
T = real(eltype(p))
κ = norm(c)
_rand_normal_vmf_sphere_xaxis!(rng, n, p, T(κ))
_reflect_from_xaxis_to_c!(p, c, κ)
return p
function _rand_vmf_0sphere!(rng, p, c)
p[1] = rand(rng, Bernoulli(; logitp=2 * c[1])) ? 1 : -1
return p

# given p ~ vMF(μ, κ), where p = t μ + √(1 - t²) [0; ξ], for some ξ ∈ 𝕊ⁿ⁻²
# is the tangent-normal decomposition of p, where ξ ~ H(𝕊ⁿ⁻²) and t ~ τ(n, κ).
# draw t ~ τ(n, κ) ∝ (1 - t^2)^(n/2-1) exp(κ*t) using rejection sampling algorithm
# due to Wood, 1994. Adapted also for complex and quaternionic spheres.
function _rand_normal_vmf_sphere_xaxis!(rng, n, p, κ)
# compute quantities we will reuse
T = eltype(κ)
m = T((n - 1)//2)
a = κ / m
b = sqrt(a^2 + 1) - a
x = (1 - b) / (1 + b)
c = κ * x + (n - 1) * log1p(-x^2)
βdist = Beta(m, m)

z = rand(rng, T, βdist)
t = (1 - (1 + b) * z) / (1 - (1 - b) * z)
while κ * t + (n - 1) * log1p(-x * t) - c < log(rand(rng))
z = rand(rng, T, βdist)
t = (1 - (1 + b) * z) / (1 - (1 - b) * z)

randn!(rng, p)
p[1] -= real(p[1])
rmul!(p, sqrt(1 - abs2(t)) / norm(p))
@inbounds p[1] += t

return p

function _rand_normal_vmf_sphere_xaxis!(rng, n, p, κ)
# compute quantities we will reuse
T = eltype(κ)
m = T((n - 1)//2)
a = κ / m
b = sqrt(a^2 + 1) - a
x = (1 - b) / (1 + b)
c = κ * x + (n - 1) * log1p(-x^2)
βdist = Beta(m, m)

z = rand(rng, T, βdist)
t = (1 - (1 + b) * z) / (1 - (1 - b) * z)
while κ * t + (n - 1) * log1p(-x * t) - c < log(rand(rng))
z = rand(rng, T, βdist)
t = (1 - (1 + b) * z) / (1 - (1 - b) * z)

randn!(rng, p)
p[1] -= real(p[1])
rmul!(p, sqrt(1 - abs2(t)) / norm(p))
@inbounds p[1] += t

return p

# in-place apply Householder reflection p ↦ p - q 2𝕽⟨q,p⟩/‖q‖², for q=e₁-c/‖c‖
function _reflect_from_xaxis_to_c!(p, c, cnorm=norm(c))
num = real(p[1]) - real(dot(c, p)) / cnorm
den = cnorm - real(c[1])
α = num / den
p .+= c .* α
p[1] -= α * cnorm
return p

## von Mises-Fisher on the Stiefel manifold

function Random.rand!(
rng::AbstractRNG, p::AbstractArray, d::VonMisesFisher{<:Stiefel{n,k},(:U, :D, :V)}
) where {n,k}
return _rand_vmf_stiefel!(rng, p, n, k, d.U, d.D, d.V)
function Random.rand!(
rng::AbstractRNG, p::AbstractArray, d::VonMisesFisher{<:Stiefel{n,k},(:F,)}
) where {n,k}
U, D, V = svd(d.F)
return _rand_vmf_stiefel!(rng, p, n, k, U, D, V)
function Random.rand!(
rng::AbstractRNG, p::AbstractArray, d::VonMisesFisher{<:Stiefel{n,k},(:H, :P)}
) where {n,k}
D, V = eigen(Hermitian(d.P))
U = d.H * V
return _rand_vmf_stiefel!(rng, p, n, k, U, D, V)

# Peter Hoff. Simulation of the Matrix Bingham—von Mises—Fisher Distribution,
# With Applications to Multivariate and Relational Data.
# Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics. 18(2). 2009.
function _rand_vmf_stiefel!(rng, p, n, k, U, D, V)
if isone(k)
_rand_vmf_sphere!(rng, vec(p), n, vec(U), D[1] * V[1]')
return p
T = real(eltype(p))
Z = fill!(similar(p), zero(T))
Z₁ = @view Z[:, 1]
U₁ = @view U[:, 1]
y = similar(Z₁)
z = similar(U₁)
while true
_rand_vmf_sphere!(rng, Z₁, n, U₁, D[1])
lcrit = zero(T)
for j in 2:k
s = n - j + 1
@views begin
N = _nullbasis(Z[:, 1:(j - 1)])
Uⱼ = U[:, j]
Zⱼ = Z[:, j]
zⱼ = z[1:s]
yⱼ = y[1:s]
Dⱼ = D[j]
if Dⱼ > 0
mul!(zⱼ, N', Uⱼ, Dⱼ, false)
_rand_vmf_sphere!(rng, yⱼ, s, zⱼ)
mul!(Zⱼ, N, yⱼ)
nzⱼ = norm(zⱼ)
ν = s//2 - 1
lcrit += T(
logbesseli(ν, nzⱼ) - logbesseli(ν, Dⱼ) + ν * (log(Dⱼ) - log(nzⱼ))
else # sample from uniform distribution, lcrit contribution is zero
randn!(rng, yⱼ)
mul!(Zⱼ, N, yⱼ, inv(norm(yⱼ)), false)
log(rand(rng)) < lcrit && break
mul!(p, Z, V')
return p

# basis N of null space of A, such that N'A=0
# compute basis of null space of matrix A
function _nullbasis(A)
F = qr(A)
rank = size(F.R, 1)
return F.Q[:, (rank + 1):end]

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