This package is an experimental implementation of the SpatioTemporal Asset Catalogs (STAC) client in Julia.
Opening an issue to notify about a missing feature is not helpful for the momement. However, if somebody is interested to make a pull request to implement a missing feature, an issue is a good way to discuss its implementation.
You need Julia (version 1.9 or later).
Inside a Julia terminal, you can download and install STAC
issuing these Julia commands:
using Pkg
Accessing a catalog and sub-catalogs are indexed with their identitiers. To find all subcatalog identifiers, one can simply display the catalog structure in a julia session.
using STAC
url = ""
catalog = STAC.Catalog(url)
subcat = catalog["stac-catalog-eo"]
subcat1 = subcat["landsat-8-l1"]
@show subcat1
item = subcat1.items["LC08_L1TP_152038_20200611_20200611_01_RT"]
@show href(item.assets["B4"])
Searching by date range and bounding box:
using STAC, Dates
collections = ["landsat-8-c2-l2"]
time_range = (DateTime(2018,01,01), DateTime(2018,01,02)) # start and end time
lon_range = (2.51357303225, 6.15665815596) # west, east
lat_range = (49.5294835476, 51.4750237087) # south, north
catalog = STAC.Catalog("")
search_results = collect(search(catalog, collections, lon_range, lat_range, time_range))
Retrieve a list of OPeNDAP URLs from the NASA Common Metadata Repository (CMR) of the collection C1996881146-POCLOUD. If asked, a token can be obtained from (after registration and login) and clicking on Generate Token
using STAC, Dates
timerange = (DateTime(2019,1,1),DateTime(2019,12,31))
collection_concept_id = "C1996881146-POCLOUD"
baseurl = ""
query = Dict(
"collection_concept_id" => collection_concept_id,
"temporal" => join(string.(timerange),','),
"pageSize" => 1000,
url = baseurl
collection = STAC.FeatureCollection(url,query)
opendap_url = [href(item.assets["opendap"]) for item in collection]
@show length(opendap_url)
# output 365, one URL per day
To load the dataset, the NetCDF library need to be made aware of your EarthData username and password as explained here.