This repository contain tutorials demostrating how to use DirectX12 Raytracing with CSharp. The Nvidia original C++ tutorials can be found here. The DirectX12 CSharp binding used was Vortice.
- A GPU that supports DXR (Such as NVIDIA's Volta or Turing hardware)
- Windows 10 RS5 (version 1809)
- Windows 10 SDK version 1809 (10.0.17763.0)
- Visual Studio 2019
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After I ported Raytracing DXR Nvidia tutorials to CSharp I think that would be a great idea to extend theses tutorials with some more. So I am going to add new extra raytracing tutorials to explain how to create more complex raytracing scenes.
How to create a Raytracing Acceleration Structure from vertex and index geometry buffers.
How to lighting mesh using Raytracing pipeline. The acceleration Structures only have information about the vertex position of the mesh so we need to pass vertexBuffer and indexBuffer information to the shader to reconstruct the vertex information after a hit.
How to project shadows using Raytracing pipeline. In this tutorial, we are going to add a second geometry (ground) to the Acceleration Structure and throw a second ray to know whether a hit point is in shadow.
How to make reflection meshes using Raytracing pipeline. In this tutorial, we are going to add a third reflected ray for each hit point recursively to calculate the final color (4 rebounds maximum deep). I also added fresnel and visibility falloff to improve the render. Most of the important changes are in the shader.
How to do instancing using Raytracing pipeline. In this tutorial, we are going to use the Top Level Acceleration Structure to instance multiple geometries defined in the Bottom Level Acceleration Structure and create a scene. In addition, we will add two constant buffers (Scene parameters and Primitive parameters) to pass scene configuration to shader.
How to provide a constant buffer per instance defined in the Top Level AS using the Raytracing pipeline. In this tutorial, we are going to see a mechanism to bind different resources to different instances of the same geometry. It will be useful to provide different materials for our Raytracing scenes.
How to load a Gltf model and render with DirectX12 Raytracing pipeline. Acceleration structure only stores vertex positions so you need pass Index and Vertex buffer to the shader to figure out another vertex attributes (Normals, Texcoords, etc.) when a ray hits a model's triangle.
How to load a texture and applies to our gltf model with DirectX12 Raytracing pipeline. Acceleration structure only stores vertex positions so you need pass Index and Vertex buffer to the shader to figure out another vertex attributes (Normals, Texcoords, etc.) when a ray hits a model's triangle.