Monte Carlo simulation of a more universal version of the Monty hall problem.
The Rules of the game are as follows:
There Are N doors, behind M doors there is a price, like a car, behind the other ones there is a dummy price like a goat.*
In the first round the candidate chooses a door. The game show host (that knows where the prices are) than opens one door that has a goat behind it The candidate than has the option to change their choice or to keep with the original choice.
Intuitively most people would expect that changing doors after a goat has been revealed would not change the chances of winning a price. However in 1975 Steve Savant showed that for the case N=3 and M=1 The chance of winning the car doubles when changing doors after the reveal of a goat. An explanation can be found at
This program checks the outcomes experimentally. The program randomly picks a door, than randomly reveals a goat behind one of the other doors. After that one of the remaining doors is randomly choosen.
This proces is repeated S times. At the end it is counted how often the first choice selected a price, and how often the second choice selected a price.
- which is actually a great price on it's own
The module can be used as a library to be used in other software, or be run as a stand-alone program.
for help on use of the stand-alone program type in terminal or shell:
python(.exe) -h
Copyright Jethro Betcke 2024