Unblocked games, apps, proxys, for school
Glatic games is a project made by Yusuf who is currently a Skoolv2 Devolpher As well| Discord : Ez#7274
- Used my students and made by students *
We will be updating this website everyday, We will also make new links everytime as well Join our discord, info in our website!
•First step is to press The fork button
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------•Second step is now once you pressed fork, Name the repository Your user ( example: codinghtml-yusef )
•Then press create fork And incase if you cant read and your a freakin kindergardener and have 1 brain cell theres a example picture
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ •Now once you pressed it, press pages•Press the branch or deploy what ever its called and press main
• Next to it there should be another button and press Root
•You should be good, wait 3-5 minutes, and then refresh your page, a link should popup and wallaaa
•Last step is to go to seetings settings is above the coding places ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Glitch.me:| https://glitch.com/edit/#!/remix/aware-rambunctious-honesty
Making more ways to deploy ( such as replit, etc )...