*Steps to process RNAseq
----Fasta_files (original files)
----Bam_sam (sorted and indexed)
#Steps to run expression analysis
- FASTQC quality check of raw reads
- FASTQC will provide information including the quality of reads along the length of a read, the rate of duplication within the reads, and biases of sequences present in the raw reads.
- Go from fasta/fastq to trimmed fasta/fastq (using FlexBar)
- Flexbar performs several pre-processing steps prior to alignment including filtering out reads with uncalled bases, adaptor and barcode detection and removal, read separation based on barcode identification, and quality-based trimming from the right side of the read (as read quality tends to deteriorate toward the end/right side of a read).
- Trimmed fasta(fastq) to SAM file (aligned to genome using HISAT2)
- HISAT2 requires minimal memory requirements and alignment of reads to genome is rapid (typically within thirty minutes, depending on the provided parameters).
- SAM to BAM (using samtools)
- Quality control on aligned BAM file using SAMSTAT
- SAMSTAT output provides the number of reads that aligned to the genome (with varying degrees of confidence, indicated by a MAPQ score) and unmapped reads. Information on the rates of errors and mismatches among mapped reads is also included.
- BAM to sorted BAM (using samtools)
- This step organizes the BAM file based on the position of the reads on the chromosome
- Index sorted BAM for viewing (using samtools)
- For each sample do steps 1 to 5
- Get values of expression per gene (using featureCounts across all samples)
- Calculate significantly changed genes (using R packages such as edgeR, DESeq)
#Steps to do INDEL/SNPS
- Taked trimmed fasta(fastq) from flexbar (step 1 under Expression analysis)
- Align to genome (using BWA)
- BWA is used in place of HISAT2 as it is better at mapping low-diverging sequences and is more sensitive for picking up SNPs and Indels
- Add readgroup to SAM file using Packard
- Could be optional, based on protocol from people in CQS
- Convert to BAM (using samtools)
- Sort and index using SAMTOOLS
- Quality control using SAMSTAT
- gatk_intervals
- Converts seq data to intervals making it easier to analyze
- gatk_realignment(sample_base)
- gatk_recalibration(sample_base)
- gatk_realign_recal(sample_base)
- mark_dup(sample_base)
- dup_index(sample_base)
- Final entity search
- This is where you do it for SNP or INDEL
[Flexbar] (https://github.com/seqan/flexbar)
[hisat2] (https://ccb.jhu.edu/software/hisat2/index.shtml)
[samtools] (http://www.htslib.org/)
[featurecount] (http://subread.sourceforge.net/)
[samstat] (http://samstat.sourceforge.net/)
#Files Required for INDEL/SNP Analysis [Indel VCF File] (https://storage.googleapis.com/genomics-public-data/resources/broad/hg38/v0/Mills_and_1000G_gold_standard.indels.hg38.vcf.gz)
[SNP VCF File] (https://storage.googleapis.com/genomics-public-data/resources/broad/hg38/v0/1000G_phase1.snps.high_confidence.hg38.vcf.gz)