canvas cubesat development!
this code is to run the canvas data processing algorthim that will be loaded onto the FPGA onboard CANVAS
we used this code base to test the algorithm and run input data through this code and through the FPGA simulation, and see where there were differences
it helped us understand how the FPGA does these computations and what differences we might expect.
includes all the functions that are used and outlines the steps of the data processing.
for more detail, contact the CANVAS team for payload documentation
to install this repo into your computer:
git clone
move into your newly cloned repo:
cd canvas_algorithm
and create a virtual environment:
python3 -m venv canalg_env
activate that environment: Unix/Mac:``` source canalg_env/bin/activate
and finally install packages
pip install -r requirements.txt
to run a test of the canvas alrgorithm, navigate to the
and run that script with the desired input settings