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Ravi Teja Gudapati edited this page Aug 29, 2018 · 2 revisions

Interceptors are functions that can be run before and after a request is made by Jaguar Resty, Client and Retrofit. They are defined as following:

typedef FutureOr<void> Before(RouteBase route);

typedef FutureOr<void> After<T>(Response<T> response);

During its execution, Before interceptor can change the request (For example: add headers, query, path, body, etc). Similarly, After can act upon the Response object.



Lets say we want to set a and b query parameters in the request.

resty.Before setQuery(int a, int b) => (resty.RouteBase route) {
      route.query("a", a);
      route.query("b", b);


Lets say we want to print the result in the interceptor after the request is made:

void printResult(resty.Response<String> resp) {

Complete example

Future client() async {
  await resty
      .interceptBefore(setQuery(5, 20))

For complete example, please take a look at

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