- Finite State Machine Simulation: Simulate the finite state automaton and its state transition process.
- Tape and Read/Write Head Simulation: Simulate the read and write operations on the tape.
- Evaluation Criteria: Demonstrate the dynamic execution process of the binary search algorithm in the simulation system with a given input. Provide correct results and count the tape space and steps used.
- Recursive Function Call Simulation: Simulate the calling process of recursive functions.
- Stack and Push/Pop Operations Simulation: Simulate the stack and its push and pop operations.
- Evaluation Criteria: Demonstrate the dynamic execution process of the binary search algorithm in the simulation system with a given input. Provide correct results and count the tape space, stack space, and steps used.
- 0/1 Knapsack Problem:
- In the Turing Machine Simulation System: Solve using dynamic programming and branch and bound methods.
- In the Recursive Function Simulation System: Solve using memoization and backtracking methods.
- Evaluation Criteria: Demonstrate the dynamic solving process of the above algorithms in both simulation systems with a given input. Provide the optimal value and solution, and compare the tape and/or stack space and steps used by the algorithms.