NIST Gamma Data is an Android application to search Gamma ray attenuation data from locally saved NIST database.
The advantage over the original website is: (Of course) offline data accessary; Faster approach; Most importantly, it can search for the best shielding material based on user specification!
Currently the user can query any elements between Hydrogen and Uranium. Also quite a few materials are ready for query (e.g. bone, poly, concrete ...).
Any feedback is appreciated! If you liked this please click "star" on the upper right corner :)
See app/build/outputs/apk/debug/app-debug.apk for current version.
Android 4.0 (remains to be verified)
The UI of this app is very simple. When the app is opened the user is prompted with three options (case-insensitive): 1) search element by name/symbol (e.g. "H" or "Hydrogen") 2) search element by atom number 3) search material by partial/full name (e.g. "poly" or "polyethylene") If a partial name is entered to search for a material there might be several options to choose from.
Once an element/material is chosen, the element/material's total attenuation vs. energy will be shown in list-mode data. The user can also query the attenuation (%) of gamma rays between 1 keV and 20 MeV for any element/material in the database by clicking the button "CALC ATTEN". The density is already loaded!Android Studio is needed.
- Java
- SQLite - Data management
Added basic elements and materials. User can search for (1) an element using atom number/symbol/full name and (2) a material using full name/partial name. The searching is not case-sensitive. The attenuation coefficient is displayed in a listmode. The user can then calculate the attenuation by clicking "Calc. Atten." button and input the desired gamma ray energy at an arbitrary distance.
Added K/L/... edges display.
- Jiawei Xia
All the NIST files are fetched from: