Honours Project code repository for exploring Auslan features in the context of Machine Learning.
Folders and configuration was setup with a simple config file that is loaded when scripts are run. For example:
"trainLabels": "train_labels_20classes.csv",
"valLabels": "val_labels_20classes.csv",
"testLabels": "test_labels_20classes.csv",
"depthFolder": "frames_depth_20",
"rgbFolder": "frames_rgb_20",
"landmarkFolder": "frames_landmarks_2_20",
"opticalFolder": "frames_optical_20",
"opticalRLOFFolder": "frames_optical_rlof_20",
"fineTune": false,
"batchSize": 8,
"inputDim": 224,
"numLstm": 1,
"lstm": 512,
"dense": 512,
"dropout": 0.4,
"numClasses": 20,
"maxEpochs": 100,
"patience": 10
Where data is setup like:
// e.g., "path/to/data/rgb"
├─ train/
│ ├─ word1/
│ │ ├─ sample_001.jpg
│ │ ├─ sample_00n.jpg
│ │ ├─ sample2_001.jpg
│ │ ├─ ...other_sequence_samples
│ ├─ word2/
│ ├─ ...other_words/
In data/autsl_frames.py
, script converts AUTSL dataset [1] from mp4 videos to jpg frames
for each signer and sample, stored under class label folders.
Run script:
python autsl_frames.py
-i "path/to/autsl_videos"
-o "path/to/autsl/frames"
[-d dataset partition, optional "train" or "val" or "test", default "train"]
[-f optional fps setting, default="30"]
e.g., python autsl_frames.py -i "path/to/autsl" -o "path/to/autsl/frames" -d "test" -f "15"
Note that autsl should have file structure:
├─ train/
│ ├─ ...videos.mp4
│ ├─ ...videos.mp4
│ ├─ ...videos.mp4
├─ val/
├─ test/
Where *_labels_en.csv
are generated csvs of *_labels.csv
but with an EN column
for english class names.
Files provided in resources
folder, and was created by me for convenience.
Ensure these live in the autsl
dataset folder. Similar can be created for other languages.
To do so make use of SignList_ClassId_TR_EN.csv
which comes with AUTSL dataset.
Output Structure
├─ rgb/
│ ├─ test/
│ │ ├─ word1/
│ │ │ ├─ signer1_sample1_001.jpg
│ │ │ ├─ signer1_sample1_002.jpg
│ │ │ ├─ ...
│ │ │ ├─ signerX_sampleY_nnn.jpg
│ │ ├─ word2/
│ │ │ ├─ signerX_sampleY_nnn.jpg
│ │ │ ├─ ...
│ │ ├─ ...more_words/
You can then load these images with class labels as folder names.
Due to the number of images, will need to batch load and also deal with sequences. Sequences will be linked to each signer and sample as per video name. With class labels/words as per class label english words in csvs provided by AUTSL dataset.
ELAR Auslan dataset was pre-processed into frames with the following tool that I created: Elan Vid Slicer
A custom sequence batch generator was created to properly batch large amounts of sequence
based image data. See data/img_seq_generator.py
for further details. This requires a csv
that maps labels to video sample ids. AUTSL label map csvs can be found in resources/
[1] Sincan, O. M., Keles, H. Y. “AUTSL: A Large Scale Multi-modal Turkish Sign Language Dataset and Baseline Methods”. IEEE Access, vol. 8, pp. 181340-181355, 2020.