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By default, use MKL as virtual provider for blas/lapack/fftw with Intel compilers (classic and llvm-based/oneapi); update site configs to revert to openblas/fftw as needed; skip wgrib2 with Intel oneapi; bump odc to 1.5.2 #80

By default, use MKL as virtual provider for blas/lapack/fftw with Intel compilers (classic and llvm-based/oneapi); update site configs to revert to openblas/fftw as needed; skip wgrib2 with Intel oneapi; bump odc to 1.5.2

By default, use MKL as virtual provider for blas/lapack/fftw with Intel compilers (classic and llvm-based/oneapi); update site configs to revert to openblas/fftw as needed; skip wgrib2 with Intel oneapi; bump odc to 1.5.2 #80