WARNING : Work-in-progess !
RubyRTL is an experimental Ruby DSL that aims at :
- Describing Digital circuits in Ruby, at the RTL level
- Generating synthesizable VHDL for FPGAs or ASICs
This approach is quite similar to Python Migen. We recommand having a look at the very successful Litex IP library approach, relying on Migen. Our paper talks about Litex and Migen.
We believe however that Ruby metaprogramming capabilities probably best suits the idea of creating such DSL.
The recommanded version of RubyRTL is uploaded on RubyGems, so that can simply be installed on a Linux box, by typing (use of rvm recommended):
- gem install ruby_rtl
Let's build a introductory-level digital system : a ripple-carry adder. Using RubyRTL, we can elaborate much more complex circuits than this simple adders. At the register-transfer level, much more complex functions operating on complex data structures, are possible : imagine a video macroblocks on which several filters are applied, in a single clock cycle, or a processor pipline etc.
For the moment, let's build this adder, in a progessive manner !
We start by the "Hello World" of Digital Design : the Half adder. We recall that it built from 2 basic gates. That "block" can be then used in a hierarchical manner to build a 1-bit full-adder and then a classical adder operating on integers. See wikipedia if needed. This bottom-up approach is representative of Digital System Design : we can elaborate complex functions with a clever composition of such components, either hierarchically or using the intrinsic parallelism of digital circuit, or both.
require_relative 'ruby_rtl'
include RubyRTL
class HalfAdder < Circuit
def initialize
input :a,:b
output :sum
output :cout
assign(sum <= a ^ b) #xor
assign(cout <= a & b) #cout
compiler.compile ha # VHDL generated !
The generated code is then :
-- automatically generated by RubyRTL
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
library ruby_rtl;
use ruby_rtl.ruby_rtl_package.all;
library halfadder_lib;
use halfadder_lib.halfadder_package.all;
entity halfadder_c is
port (
a : in std_logic;
b : in std_logic;
sum : out std_logic;
cout : out std_logic);
end halfadder_c;
architecture rtl of halfadder_c is
sum <= (a xor b);
cout <= (a and b);
end rtl;
Here, we reuse 1-but half adder, to elaborate a 1-bit full adder. It now has an input carry and an output carry. The example show how to call such hierarchal components and glue them together.
require 'ruby_rtl'
include RubyRTL # module now visible
require_relative 'half_adder' # preceding circuit
class FullAdder < Circuit
def initialize
input :a,:b,:cin
output :sum,:cout
component :ha1 => HalfAdder # class...
component :ha2 => HalfAdder.new # or ...obj
assign(ha1.a <= a )
assign(ha1.b <= b )
assign(ha2.a <= cin)
assign(ha2.b <= ha1.sum)
assign(sum <= ha1.sum)
assign(cout <= ha1.cout | ha1.cout)
Here comes the most exiting parts of RubyRTL. We can rely on Ruby host itself, to describe the glue between components. This glue may rely on many parameters (or "generics" in the VHDL world). Ruby host also allows you to make regular computations required for the configuration of your design, which can be cumbersome in classical HDLs.
Let's build a n-bits adder using previous components !
require_relative 'ruby_rtl'
require_relative 'full_adder' #preceding circuit
include RubyRTL
class Adder < Circuit
def initialize nbits
input :a => nbits
input :b => nbits
output :sum => nbits
output :cout
# create components
for i in 0..nbits-1
adders << component("fa_#{i}" => FullAdder)
# connect everything
for i in 0..nbits-1
assign(adders[i].a <= a[i])
assign(adders[i].b <= b[i])
if i==0
#assign(adders[0].cin <= Bit(0)) # no carry in for FA_0
assign(adders[0].cin <= 0) # even better.
assign(adders[i].cin <= adders[i-1].cout)
# final sum
assign(sum[i] <= adders[i].sum)
All previous examples were structural. Hardware descriptions languages such as VHDL and Verilog also allows for so called behavioral descriptions (please note that this naming is historical, and still found in course books. This is not to be cofounded with modern "High-level synthesis" also called behavioral synthesis, that is at a higher abstraction layer than RTL). Here our DSL allows more basically to resort to statements like :
- If..Elsif...Else
- Case...When ...
RubyRTL introduces these DSL keywords, that require upcase (in order to avoid collision with regular Ruby host keywords).
As for VHDL or Verilog, such RubyRTL statements are also synthesizable on hardware, if used correctly.
The important remark is about clocks and resets. RubyRTL recognizes (via sequential keyword) that your design requires D (edge-triggered) flip-flops : their clocking is considered implicit. By default, RubyRTL works on a single clock and generates synchronous and asynchronous reset. This may be modified in future versions.
class Counter < Circuit
def initialize
input :do_count
output :count => :byte
assign(count <= 0)
assign(count <= count + 42)
assign(count <= count + 1)
Finite state machines are essential in Digital System Design. However, VHDL and Verilog do not provide instrinsic keywords for them. Here, RubyRTL simplified the coding by providing such keywords.
class FSM1 < Circuit
def initialize
input :go,:b
output :f => :bv2
assign(f <= 0)
assign(f <= 1)
next_state :s1
assign(f <= 2)
next_state :s2
assign(f <= 3)
next_state :s0
RubyRTL is an internal DSL. We can see it as a new language, embedded in Ruby syntax. It benefits from Ruby directly. However, such embedding needs a cautious resort to metaprogramming and introspection.
More to come here. Stay tuned !
- RubyRTL was published at OSDA DATE'21 satellite workshop.
- The pdf paper is here.
- A poster is also provided here.
- The bibtex entry is here -->
Don't hesitate to drop me a mail if you like RubyRTL, or found a bug etc. I will try to do my best to consolidate, maintain and enhance RubyRTL.
jean-christophe.le_lann at ensta-bretagne.fr