🌱 I’m currently learning Flask and SpringBoot
📫 How to reach me [email protected]
⚡ Fun fact I will say two.
1. Can be amazingly dumb at times and
2.can binge-watch and complete an anime in 1 day straight
🌱 I’m currently learning Flask and SpringBoot
📫 How to reach me [email protected]
⚡ Fun fact I will say two.
1. Can be amazingly dumb at times and
2.can binge-watch and complete an anime in 1 day straight
Notebook for performing network intrusion detection on the CICIDS-2018 dataset and using ShapLey to corroborate the feature importance
Forked from sampathv95/Network-Intrusion-Detection
Autoencoder approach to detect attacks/intrusions in a network
Jupyter Notebook 1