Analyis ✨Using Python Selenium, MySQL, and Tableau Visualization✨
.: 📄 Dataset taken from Linkedin Job Search :.
This analysis of the Indonesia Data related jobb market provides some insights on the hiring trends from more than a 900 data related job postings on LinkedIn Hopefully, these insights will help me and everyone who visits my repository in the job search process.
This Analysis provides answers to different questions such as:
- What are the top Province where Data jobs are in demand?
- What are the companies that hire the most in this field?
- What are the most popular job titles category related to the field?
- Which industries hire the most for Data related jobs?
- What is the most needed Experience Level related to job data?
For the Full Visualization, you can check My Tableau Public
- Based on the author's curiosity about how many job vacancies are related to the data posted on the LinkedIn site, especially using the job keyword "Data Science."
- Because LinkedIn has been widely used by professional workers to find work, whether it's from employers who are looking for employees or otherwise.
To find out how many jobs are in the data field and provide insight to readers regarding what jobs are currently needed in Indonesia.
- Jobs related to data are only centered on the island of Java and the Province of Jakarta, which account for 758 job postings out of a total of 961 job postings.
- The top industry on LinkedIn jobs is the Internet Publishing industry with 232 job postings
- The job category that appears the most and is needed on LinkedIn is Software Engineer with 133 jobpostings, with the exception of the "Others" category.
- The top hiring company that has the most linkedin jobs is Agoda (online hotel or resort propertyreservation service) with 95 job postings
- The highest experience level for data-related jobs is "Associate", with 35.16% of the total 947 job postings.
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