Try ghc 9.10 to see if it is fixed now #253
IOG Hydra / ci/hydra-build:x86_64-linux.ghc810-javascript-unknown-ghcjs.checks.cardano-addresses:test:unit
timed out
Jun 11, 2024 in 2h 1m 11s
Build timed out
1 failed steps
Failed Steps
Step 1
unpacking sources
unpacking source archive /nix/store/xsfzqmfs9138figl9zxhzx8bqbr55j87-cardano-addresses-src-root-core-test-unit-root
source root is cardano-addresses-src-root-core-test-unit-root
patching sources
patching script interpreter paths in /build/tmp.uaXU7I26HE/bin/unit.jsexe
/build/tmp.uaXU7I26HE/bin/unit.jsexe/all.js: interpreter directive changed from "#!/usr/bin/env node" to "/nix/store/8dargxvfa70wbfr5s6yr5lwmp15nc7ii-nodejs-18.17.1/bin/node"
Text Encoding Roundtrips
base58 . fromBase58 - Byron [✔]
+++ OK, passed 100 tests:
74% RequiresNetworkTag
26% RequiresNoTag
base58 . fromBase58 - Icarus [✔]
+++ OK, passed 100 tests:
74% RequiresNetworkTag
26% RequiresNoTag
bech32 . fromBech32 - Byron [✔]
+++ OK, passed 100 tests:
74% RequiresNetworkTag
26% RequiresNoTag
bech32 . fromBech32 - Icarus [✔]
+++ OK, passed 100 tests:
74% RequiresNetworkTag
26% RequiresNoTag
Checking auxiliary address derivations types
Bounded / Indexed relationship
nextIndex maxBound for Hardened indices should result in failure [✔]
nextIndex maxBound for Soft indices should result in failure [✔]
Indexed Roundtrip
Index @'Hardened _ [✔]
+++ OK, passed 100 tests.
Index @'Soft _ [✔]
+++ OK, passed 100 tests.
XPub / XPrv properties
roundtripping: xpubToBytes . xpubFromBytes [✔]
+++ OK, passed 100 tests.
roundtripping: xprvToBytes . xprvFromBytes [✔]
+++ OK, passed 100 tests.
forall xprv. xprvChainCode xprv == xpubChainCode (toXPub xprv) [✔]
+++ OK, passed 100 tests.
forall xprv msg. 'verify' ('toXPub' xprv) msg ('sign' xprv msg) == 'True' [✔]
+++ OK, passed 100 tests.
Multisig CBOR and hashes - golden tests
RequireSignatureOf index=0 [✔]
RequireSignatureOf index=1 [✔]
RequireSignatureOf index=2 [✔]
RequireSignatureOf index=3 [✔]
RequireAllOf for index=0 and index=1 keys [✔]
RequireAllOf for index=0, index=1 and index=2 keys [✔]
RequireAnyOf for index=0 and index=1 keys [✔]
RequireAllOf for index=0, index=1 and index=2 keys [✔]
RequireSomeOf 1 out of index=0 and index=1 keys [✔]
RequireAllOf 2 out of index=0, index=1, index=2 and index=3 keys [✔]
nested 1 [✔]
nested 2 [✔]
nested 3 [✔]
ActivateFromSlot [✔]
ActivateUntilSlot [✔]
ActivateUntilSlot and ActivateUntilSlot [✔]
validateScript - expectations for RequiredValidation
incorrect RequireSignatureOf [✔]
incorrect RequireSignatureOf nested [✔]
correct RequireAllOf [] [✔]
incorrect RequireAnyOf [] [✔]
incorrect RequireSomeOf 1 [✔]
incorrect RequireSomeOf 2 [✔]
correct RequireSomeOf [✔]
m=0 in RequireSomeOf is correct [✔]
timelocks are correct if timelocks are disjoint [✔]
validateScript - expectations for RecomendedValidation
incorrect RequireAllOf [] [✔]
incorrect in nested 1 [✔]
incorrect in nested 2 [✔]
m=0 in RequireSomeOf [✔]
duplicate content in RequireAllOf [✔]
duplicate content in RequireAnyOf [✔]
duplicate content in RequireSomeOf [✔]
duplicate in nested [✔]
redundant timelocks - too many [✔]
redundant timelocks - nested [✔]
content in RequireAllOf - 1 [✔]
content in RequireAllOf - 2 [✔]
nested 1 [✔]
nested 2 [✔]
not uniform prefixes in script [✔]
validateScriptTemplate - errors
no cosigners in script of script template [✔]
no cosigners xpub in script template [✔]
unknown cosigner xpub in script template - 1 [✔]
unknown cosigner xpub in script template - 2 [✔]
duplicated xpub in cosigners in script template [✔]
missing cosigner's xpub in script template [✔]
no content in RequireAnyOf [✔]
no content in RequireSomeOf [✔]
too high m in RequireSomeOf [✔]
m=0 in RequireSomeOf [✔]
wrong in nested 1 [✔]
wrong in nested 2 [✔]
wrong in nested 3 [✔]
duplicate content in RequireAllOf [✔]
duplicate content in RequireAnyOf [✔]
duplicate content in RequireSomeOf [✔]
duplicate in nested [✔]
invalid timelocks - too many [✔]
valid timelocks [✔]
valid timelocks when using all 1 [✔]
valid timelocks when using all 2 [✔]
invalid timelocks when using all [✔]
valid timelocks when using any [✔]
invalid timelocks when using any 1 [✔]
invalid timelocks when using any 2 [✔]
validateScriptOfTemplate - errors
correct RequireAllOf [] [✔]
incorrect RequireAnyOf [] [✔]
incorrect RequireSomeOf 1 [✔]
incorrect RequireSomeOf 2 [✔]
correct RequireSomeOf [✔]
m=0 in RequireSomeOf is correct [✔]
timelocks are correct if timelocks are disjoint [✔]
incorrect RequireAllOf [] [✔]
incorrect in nested 1 [✔]
incorrect in nested 2 [✔]
m=0 in RequireSomeOf [✔]
duplicate content in RequireAllOf [✔]
duplicate content in RequireAnyOf [✔]
duplicate content in RequireSomeOf [✔]
duplicate in nested [✔]
redundant timelocks - too many [✔]
redundant timelocks - nested [✔]
content in RequireAllOf - 1 [✔]
content in RequireAllOf - 2 [✔]
nested 1 [✔]
nested 2 [✔]
can perform roundtrip JSON serialization & deserialization - Script KeyHash
fromJSON . toJSON === pure [✔]
+++ OK, passed 100 tests.
can perform roundtrip JSON serialization & deserialization - Script KeyHash validated
fromJSON . toJSON === pure [✔]
+++ OK, passed 100 tests (87% invalid).
can perform roundtrip JSON serialization & deserialization - Script Cosigner
fromJSON . toJSON === pure [✔]
+++ OK, passed 100 tests.
can perform roundtrip JSON serialization & deserialization - ScriptTemplate
fromJSON . toJSON === pure [✔]
+++ OK, passed 100 tests.
can perform roundtrip JSON serialization & deserialization - ScriptTemplate validated