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Mix files togethers

mix-them [char|byte] <file1> <file2>[ <file3>... <fileN>]

will generate on standard out any file based on file1 to fileN
by default it assumes that all files are character based (not binary)

mix-them [char|byte] <rule> <file1> <file2>[ <file3>... <fileN>]

will generate on standard out a file based on the rule

mix-them [char|byte] <index1> <index2>[ <index3>...] <rule> <file1> <file2>[ <file3>... <fileN>]

will generate on standard out a file based on the rule and a selection of files designed by their index

Here are the list of rules

  • -\+: will output selected files in order
  • -alt-line: will output one line of each starting with first line of file1
  • -alt-char: will output one char of each starting with first char of file1
  • -alt-byte: will output one byte of each starting with first byte of file1
  • -random-alt-line [#seed]: will output one line of each code randomly based on a seed for reproducability
  • -random-alt-char [#seed]: will output one char of each code randomly based on a seed for reproducability
  • -random-alt-byte [#seed]: will output one byte of each code randomly based on a seed for reproducability
  • -join [#cols]: will output merging of lines that have common occurrence determined by a column index or first column by default
    • -join will join on first column of each line
    • -join #2 will join on second column of each line
    • -join #2, will join on second column of first line and first colum of other lines
    • -join #2,1 will join on second column of first line and first colum of other lines (same as previous)
    • -join #2,,3 will join on second column of first line, first colum of second line, third column of third line and first column of other lines
  • -zip-line [#sep]: will output zip of char from file1 and file2 to fileN
  • -zip-char [#sep]: will output zip of line from file1 and file2 to fileN
  • -zip-cell [#sep]: will output zip of cell from file1 and file2 to fileN

Mix files togethers from a zip/jar file

mix-them [char|byte] --zip <zipfile>
mix-them [char|byte] --jar <jarfile>

will generate on standard out any file based on entry1 to entryN of zip/jar file
by default it assumes zip/jar entries are character based (not binary)

mix-them [char|byte] <rule> --zip <zipfile>
mix-them [char|byte] <rule> --jar <jarfile>

will generate on standard out a file based on the rule

mix-them [char|byte] <index1> <index2>[ <index3>...] <rule> --zip <zipfile>
mix-them [char|byte] <index1> <index2>[ <index3>...] <rule> --jar <jarfile>

will generate on standard out a file based on the rule and a selection of entries designed by their index