This code is a SOFA plugin: to simulate soft tissue tearing. Only tearing on triangular surface is supported by default. Volume tearing on tetrahedral mesh need a second plugin called MeshRefinement and is still work in progress. Current TRL is between 3 and 4. (4 for surface and 3 for volume tearing) All contributions are really welcome.
- Low level api (c++ methods) is available through the objects TearingAlgorithms for surface tissue to compute the fracture path from one point to a direction. Similarly VolumeTearingAlgorithms, allows to compute the plan intersection from an elongated tetrahedron.
- High level API is also available through SOFA components: TearingEngine and VolumeTearingEngine which can be used in a SOFA scene and will detect the fracture point and direction given a FEM component which compute the element stress.
- Several Data are useful to control the fracture, such as:
- seuilStress: threshold value for element stress which will mark this element as fractured
- fractureMaxLength: maximum length of a fracture per simulation step
- nbFractureMax: maximum number of fracture for the simulation.
- Several scenario using the engine are provided inside the examples scenes and corresponding result screenshots are available inside the doc folder.
- doc:
- Documentation and screenshots of the scenario as well as piepline schemes.
- scenes:
- TearingEngine_scenes: TearingEngine test cases as well as scenario with predefined fracture inputs.
- VolumeTearingEngine_scenes: VolumeTearingEngine demo cases.
- src/tearing:
- source code of the two SOFA engines: TearingEngine and VolumeTearingEngine to be used inside SOFA simulaiton scene as well as their c++ API: TearingAlgorithms and VolumeTearingAlgorithms.
This plugin should be added as an external plugin of SOFA using the CMAKE_EXTERNAL_DIRECTORIES CMake variable of SOFA. See SOFA documentation for more information
This work is dual-licensed under either GPL or Commercial License. For commercial license request, please contact us by email at [email protected]