This project contains a suite of tests for the purpose of validating the ModusToolbox manifest files.
Perform the default suite of tests by running:
which is the same as running:
./ --syntax --format --schema --assets
Perform all tests in the suite, except the "format" tests, by running:
./ --syntax --schema --assets
Perform the "format" tests only, by running:
./ --format
Perform the "syntax" tests only on a specified set of local manifest files, by running:
./ --syntax apps/*.xml bsp/*.xml mw/*.xml [--syntax] [--format] [--schema] [--assets] [ <uri_of_super-manifest_file> | <pathname_of_manifest_file> [...] ]
- where:
- "--syntax" is the Syntax Checker (details at 'documentation/')
- "--format" is the Format Checker (details at 'documentation/')
- "--schema" is the Schema Checker (details at 'documentation/')
- "--assets" is the Assets Checker (details at 'documentation/')
- (optional) <uri_of_super-manifest_file> is the URI of the super-manifest file
- (optional) <pathname_of_manifest_file> is one or more manifest files; wildcards are acceptable
- note that <uri_of_super-manifest_file> and <pathname_of_manifest_file> are exclusive; cannot specify both on the command line
- note that "dependency" manifest files must be processed last, therefore:
- if a super-manifest URI is specified (or the default URI is used), then all manifest files that it references will be processed in the appropriate order.
- if multiple manifest files are specified, then all manifest files will be processed in the appropriate order.
- Tools
- xmllint
- Python 3
- Python 3 modules (see: 'requirements.txt')
- lxml
- requests
- Linux
- tested on "Ubuntu 20.04.6 LTS"
- Mac
- tested on "macOS Catalina 10.15.7"
- tested on "macOS Big Sur 11.6.5"
- tested on "macOS Monterey 12.3"
- tested on "macOS Ventura 13.5"
- Windows
- tested on "cygwin (CYGWIN_NT-10.0-19045 version 3.4.5-1.x86_64)"